The ting with boundaries

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We are sitting on the blue couch. As the sun sets, she asks "Favorite childhood memory." I cringe a little. "I don't really know, maybe building snowmen with my brother. But I can't recall right now. What about you? How was your childhood?" She sighs "It was... okay I guess... My parents were very busy, so I'm practically raised by my uncles. They are awesome, and my cousin is basically my brother. So most of my best memories are just hanging out with them. But that's a long time ago." She smiles a sad smile, which breaks my heart a little. "What happened?" I ask when the silence gets too loud. "I had to learn how to rule a country. There isn't time for entertainment and fun when you're the heir to a country." I have mixed feelings about this. And it must show because she grins. "I now. We have a monarchy, and it's awful. But my Mr. I know everything just doesn't want to give his power up!" She gets up from the couch and starts passing around the room. "Ewen when people suffer and die! Just to keep him in power. And does he care? No! Because why should he, it's not him that's dying just for being different! And does Ms. I have money, care? No! She doesn't care that her body is the only thing, anyone sees in her. Because she just wants money and fame! So what if other people have nothing as long as she has everything!" I get up and stand in front of her. She stops and looks me in the eyes. "I know," I say quietly. I hate seeing her like this. I cup her face with my hands. "You will be better." I wipe a single tear away from her chin. "You are amazing." She says in a low voice. I feel my face become red within seconds and my hands drop. The realization in her eyes tells me she did not think she actually spoke. "Sorry I really did not mean to overstep your boundaries." And she has regret painted all over her face. I turn away, "It's okay. It's late. I will sleep in one of the spare rooms. Goodnight." I hurry into one of the rooms with a convertible sofa. Just wanting to escape the situation. I close the door and then lean on it, and slide down to sit on the floor. Then I start crying. All the emotions of the day floating over me like a tsunami, all the confusion, the wired feelings toward this new person, the nervousness, everything.

Why did I say that!?! I pace in front of the door between us. Should I knock or leave her be? I stop in front of the door, with one hand raised. But I stop at the sound. She is crying. I made her cry. I should leave her alone, right? But she only has me out here. Her family is first allowed out here in a week, and her friends two days after. I am the only one who can comfort her. But if I'm the cause, can I be the cure? No, she probably needs to be alone. A pling sound fills the silence. I curse internally, she knows I'm out here now. I'm about to leave or run away. When she opens the door and collapses onto me. Arms around my neck, I catch her. I sit down slowly, careful to make sure that she is comfortable without touching her. I lean against the wall, as she hugs me crying onto my shoulder. "May I hug you?" I ask carefully. "Yes." She answers. So I place my hand gently on her back making sure it's not too far down or up. I don't say anything, not knowing what to say. When she falls asleep, I lift her to the master bedroom, lay her on the bed, and pul the comforter over her. This is wherein in most romantic stories the man changes her clothes. But that is very creepy, so I just watch her for a second before I go to bed on the couth in the living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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