Chapter 2

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"What are you doing here?" I said on the verge of crying. His dark eye stared at me intensely, making me want to coward away. He always did this, looked at me in ways he didn't with others. This time he remained silent as though he hadn't heard me but just stared and I cased my gaze down submissively.

"I asked, what are you doi–ng here?" I raised my voice a bit higher this time. The textbook in arms seemed to get heavier by the second as I waited for his response.  Immediately after class finished I rushed in attempt to get away from him in the crowd of students, but I got caught up waiting in line to grab a class assignment. Just in time, Rosario stopped me with a harsh pull around my waist where I was dragged to an empty hall. I know he enjoyed being alone with me. Having me trapped thrilled him. Front between his chest, back pressed against the wall.

I shivered as his fingers trailed at the exposed skin of my breast. His eyes now looked at me in hunger.

"Is this how you dress to school, bebita?" I didn't get the chance to answer his question before he made his next statement, "It shouldn't be legal for pretty young girls your age to be dressing this way." his said in my ear with annoyance. His breath tickled the shell of my ear as he continued to caress me.

I couldn't say a word, I was in utter shock, afraid to make any movement. Any movement at all that would show him my desiring reactions to his touch.

"Rosario, I have a class in a few." I uttered hoping this would be my get out ticket. I knew how much my schooling was important to him, he also always like that I was a studious individual. Anytime I'd want to escape his presence I'd bring up anything school related.

"I have homework."

"There's I project I should get started on."

Or, "I have a test I'd really like to study for."

I held my breath realizing Rosario's frozen stature against me. With a menacing smile again his hot breath hovered at my ear, "Now, we both know that this was the last class of the day for you. You have no reason to lie to me, Nadina."

I wondered how many times he'd known I lied to him.

"Please, let me go." I said using the textbook to divide us. "Please, Rosario. I want to get home."

"Alright, then. I'll take you home." He said pushing off of me.


The car ride was silent. Rosario took the longest route knowing he was getting on her last nerve. He was away for 2 weeks. Alone time or anytime spent with Nadina was precious to him. Every so often he'd look over to her.

"Catherine, let me know you found a place near campus. I thought we already discussed with her a much suitable place that I'd have you stay in," he tried to keep a soft voice.

"Yeah, I did find another place that I'd much better prefer. I was planning on telling y—y—you. I really appreciate you looking out for me, but I don't think it was necessary of you to do that." Nadina gulped hoping he'd drop the topic.

"Bebita, you know we already closed a deal on the one I choose for you." Nadina watched as the expression on his face changed the knuckles of his hands whitened from the tight grip on the steering wheel. "You should make a call to close the other offer. Tell them there's been a misunderstanding." he said finally pulling up to Nadina's drive way.

Her car had been in the shop since yesterday getting its oil change. To get home today Nadina planned on taking a long ride on public bus, most of which she'd enjoy. Bus rides made her feel nostalgic.

"I don't think that's necessary, I honestly will prefer what I've found." Nadina failed to sound confident. She nudged the door, knowing that he'd child locked her door.

"Ah, we know things don't work that way." He said getting out of the car to help open up the passenger door.

Nadina's mind raced itching to throw a tantrum she hated the cocky tone he used knowing she really had no say in where she wanted to stay. Unexpectedly once the door had opened her hand unleashed and smacked Rosario right in the face as she stood. To say the least, both Rosario and Nadina we're in shock. Nadina quickly tried to walk pass him to get inside but Rosairo was much quicker giving her no space and time to do as she planned.

The darkness in his eyes look inhumane and made Nadina shiver. His voice went cold. "Usually when a nice gesture is done, a polite expression of one's gratitude is given in return. I know your parents raised you with manners, Nadina.


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