The Brain is...

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Sonder: The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passed in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living

Some say our minds are like plastic
Constantly stagnant

Yet that same brain is always changing
A flowing movement


Another brain races
A random clutter of worry
A soul found wanting
Hurrying into it's prison
He stays busy
No change


A naive free spirit
Yet obviously imaginative
An original aura
And a harmonious worldly view
She has a bold story


This brain is determined
An open, expansive mind reaching endlessly
She is curious and contemplative
Living life miraculously
An active consciousness dances forever
This mind speaks truth


So how do we navigate
In a world so contrasting
Where no two people are duplicates
And nothing is ever lasting

We delve into the world
But understand quite little
Let the mysteries unfurl
For we are always in the middle

We may never unlock the truth
We may never know the meaning of endless
What we all know may be uncouth
And the brain is the universe's remnants

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