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I was always a not so interesting person so when I was accepted into the high end academy, I was shocked. Everyone who was accepted into this school was the best at what they did. There's this one girl, Lyric. She's the Ultimate Idol. She does acting, singing, modeling, and dancing. Then there's Heather, the Ultimate Artist. Her works are all over the world. There's Baylor, the Ultimate Pokemon Master. He's beaten all the games apparently, to have that kind of title. Ladylee. The Ultimate Sorceress. Her magic skills have wowed people from around the world. There's Blaze. Ultimate Fire Master. Like Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender, she can control fire to her will. There's Ella, Ultimate T'N'T Fuse. She's like a walking flint and steel. There's Grace, the Ultimate Photo-shopper. She uses her photo shop abilities just for fun and laughs. There's Ella, Ultimate Titan Killer. Even though titans don't exist. She was frozen and was recently thawed out. Now she roams Japan looking for the creatures who killed her family. There's Brendan, the Ultimate Programmer. He was able to find cheat codes for every game and hack into every security system in the country. Emilie, the Ultimate Fangirl. She fangirls over everything. Literally everything!! My name is Wolf Rocks and I got excepted into this school because someone realized my abilities. I'm the Ultimate Earth and Life Bender. I can make plants grow, die, move mountains and make them move all by the snap of my fingers or the swish of my hand.

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