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"Hi. Students! Welcome to Minecraftia University!" One called. We all turned our heads and saw three bears? "What the?" Fiona said. I looked up and saw one. It was light purple and pink. "HI!!! I'm Lilykuma!" She said. Another spoke up. This one was two different shades of green. "I'm Forestkuma!" He said. One that was purple and blue stepped forward. "I'm Jacekuma." She said. I sweat dropped. "As of today, you are all forced to kill each other in order to graduate!" Lilykuma said. "Lily! It was supposed to be subtle!" Jace said then punched her. "No need to be a brute!" Forest said and helped Lily up. "WHAT???" Emilie exlcaimed. "Why?" Heather asked. "Yeah, why?" Lyric asked.  An hour later, the entrance 'ceremony' ended and we were allowed to go around and have free time. I headed to the  Cafeteria where Lyric was. "Hey, Lyric." I said then she smiled. "Hey, Wolf." She said. "Wanna hang out?" I asked and she smiled. "Yeah." She said then I followed her to her room. I spent the day letting Lyric do my hair and makeup. "You look so good! Go show Talon! She'll be so proud of me!!" She exclaimed and we went to Talon. "Lyric, you did great." She said.  Hopefully, we really don't kill each other. 

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