Metting The Students Part 2

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There were eight more people. I walked to one who was listening to music. She took off her headphones when she saw me. "I'm Wolf." I said. She smiled. I'm Bella." "I'm Talon." Her friend said from beside her. 

Name: Bella Grant 
Title: Ultimate Trumpet Player 

Name: Talon Youngblood
Title: Ultimate Makeup Artist 

"Wolves, huh?" She asked and I looked shocked. "How did you know?" I asked. She pulled a serious face. "I'm psychic." She said. Then she smiled. "Just kidding." She said. I smiled and walked away to one girl who was reading. "I'm Wolf." I said. "Emilie." She said not looking up from her book. Apparently it was a written Larry Stlyison Fanfiction. 

Name: Emilie Masao 
Title: Ultimate Fangirl

"Wolf Trainer." I said and saw two girls in the back standing alone. One was playing with fire and the other one was watching. "I'm Wolf." I said. "I'm Blaze." The one playing with fire said. "I'm Ella." The other one said. 

Name: Blaze Flame 
Title: Ultimate Firebender 

Name: Ella Hiromi
Title: Ultimate Titan Killer

"Wolf Trainer." I said then I was Fiona with another girl who looked like her. "Fiona, who's this little one?" I asked. "Wolf, this is my younger half-sister, Ella. She isn't much younger. Just by a year." She said then Ella walked out from behind her. 

Name: Ella Himoto 
Title: Ultimate TV Star

Then as that conversation ended, we heard a voice. Wait, more like three. 

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