3. The Cold Traveller

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"The Cold Traveller"

I walk wherever Aeolus urge me to

Allow his nudging zephyr to guide me in this unfated oddyssey

I mindlessly trudge the path towards the uncanny

Contemplating thoughtlessly above the moonlight illuminating-

Its light ubiquitous in this uncertain nocturnal journey

Spilling freely and wantonly in front of my languid eyes

I walk past the thick masses of trees abreast

Their shadows looming formidably like mysterious beasts-

Wickedly evil and beckoning fear

But my mind, benumbed by lethargy, deem them unclear

Thus I walk unconsciously further

In the midst, the hissing sound of the leaves I can hear

They float adrift the air in a cyclonic dance

Buoyed frenziedly but my weary eyes took no chance

I never cease walking though my pace has not increased

I just keep on walking because that is what my mind willed me to do

I have succumbed to apathy and, in all things, I lost interest

Don't bother sympathize with me, a seemingly lost traveller

I will never notice- my being feel cold and dead

For the emotions that used to abound in me

Get lost somewhere in the haze of my journey

Written somewhere between 2009 and 2010, edited 2015

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