A game of Chaos

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I never thought I'd see the day when having my arm ripped off by a Titan would be beneficial but standing here as a wet eared interior police lackey attempted to put shackles on me, his gormless face puzzling as to why he couldn't shackle my none existening hand was one of the highlights of my career.

Arrested by idiots, wonderful.

"For Fuck sake boy! Just escort him out!" The leader of this band of justice enforcers snarled as he stormed forward into my quarters before snatching the shackles from the MP before. 

It appeared the government was more than eager to carry out their plan of oppression by silencing me as they had done my father before me, ensuring all I had learned died with me. That said, I wasn't some unknown teacher among the populace that wouldn't be missed by anyone but his young son, I was a well-known Commander, leader of the forces that liberated this very district. I couldn't be silenced with a knife to the throat like Aurora's parents had been, or how I now suspect my father had been, no, they would have to deal with me officially, with charges and a public spectacle because that's all they had within in their power until they figured out how to do what they had done a hundred years ago.

Erase the memories of every human within these walls.

It had been a theory of mine for some time now, a theory that had been strengthened when I had learned of Rowan Sparhawke's story, especially the part where he had told Jannick that the government couldn't control him. In my mind that only meant one thing, Rowan Sparkhawke and Aurora by extension of blood, were immune to the power that erased the memories of the citizens of the walls and it is because of this, they had to die. Of course, It is by association to that Sparhawke blood and our drive to progress that has landed the scouts in this exact position, in fact, I doubt that even had we not found Eren, the fate of the scouts would have led down this same road, the only question is, where do we go from here? For now, I'm out of the game, a piece pushed to the side to allow the queen and her knights to take the board.

Pyxis knows what to do, I only hope Levi, Hange and Aurora can piece it together from there; otherwise, all is lost.

The sharp sting of the butt of a rifle jabbing between my shoulder blades forced me to move forward, so holding my head high, I allowed the MPs to lead me out of Trost MP headquarters, into the blinding light of day where a crowd had gathered, no doubt the handy work of the interior police, to witness my shame.

Too bad they couldn't get the shackles on; the picture isn't quite complete without them.

I braced myself to receive the stares of malice and contempt from the people of Trost for my so-called crimes, my back straighter than it had been when I was in the shelter of Headquarters, resigned to my fate when suddenly, my eyes caught sight of a short woman dressed in a heavy brown cloak, her golden blonde hair loose and obscuring half of her scarred angular face, leaving her one evergreen eye watching me with deep calculation as I was forced to a stop in front of the masses.

Aurora?... What is she doing here?

"I take it you know who this is, right Erwin?" The garrison Commander snarled as he jabbed his hand ahead of me and forcing my eyes away from Aurora as she hid in plain sight, I turned my head towards where the Commander was pointing only to freeze. Lying on the floor, barely a meter away and clutched in the arms of his grieving widow lay Dimo Reeves, his throat slit from ear to ear.

So, this is to be my crime. This is what they will hang me for. 

"That's Mr Dimo Reeves, he was the head of the Reeve's company." I monotoned, making sure my voice did nothing to incite the masses that had gathered seeking retribution for the one man willing to invest in Trost after the Titan attack, the one man who had secured them jobs and a future.

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