chapter 5

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Riley's Outfit

Needless to say that today was not going to be a good day

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Needless to say that today was not going to be a good day. I barely had the energy to get up this morning. I spent all night thinking about what happened at the dance as I walked to school. I don't want to be mad at the guys, especially Luke. But Julie's my best friend. And if she gets hurt I'm gonna get hurt too.

I walk into dance class and take my place next to Flynn, but I don't see Julie. "Where is she?" I ask. "She said she never wanted to show her face at school again, so I didn't wake her up this morning." "Flynn are you kidding? Her aunt's going to kill her" I laugh.

A few minutes later Julie rushes into the dance room, out of breath. "Flynn, why didn't you wake me up! I missed my first three classes!" Flynn and I burst out laughing. "C'mon Jules, I'm a very literal person." Flynn says.

"Alright class, we have a few special guests today," our dance teacher, Ms. Anderson says. At that the entire lacrosse team walks into the room. "Shit." I hear Julie mutter as Nick looks over at us. "Everyone partner up!" Ms. Anderson yells.

"Ry, I'm going to die, please help me." Julie pleads. Too late. Nick walks over and asks Julie to be his partner. Her cheeks glow red as she blushes with embarrassment.

Before I could laugh, Ezra Martin, co- captain of the lacrosse team, the school's heart throb, comes up to me. "Hey Riley. Wanna be my partner?" "Sure," I smile at him. Ezra and I had a few classes together, and we talked from time to time, but we weren't all that close. He was your typical boy next door – floppy brown hair, hazel eyes, an adorable smile, and a charming personality. But we're just friends.

"Just a heads up, I am a terrible dancer," he says. I laugh and say "Don't worry Martin, just follow my lead." "Whatever you say Green."

Luke POV:

The guys an I were sitting in a cafe, just watching the people around us. Man, I miss food. Being a ghosts sucks when you can't eat.

I see a sign up sheet at the bar, and that there's one slot open for a gig later tonight. Maybe this'll make it up to Julie. I signed us up and walked back over to where the boys were sitting.

"Guess who just got us a super sweet gig tonight." I said. 

"Reggie, I think he's in withdrawal. He keeps forgetting that Julie quit the band."

"I didn't forget Alex" I rolled my eyes. "This is how we're gonna make it up to Julie."

Before Alex could respond, the three of us are hit by another one of those jolts. This one hurt more than the first one.

"AH!" the three of us cry out. "It's that thing again," Alex says. "Yeah, it's like that time I was fixing my amp in the rain," Reggie says. "You shouldn't - okay." Alex says as he clutches his chest where the jolt hit him.

"Relax, it's probably just because we ate ten pounds of food yesterday at Caleb's club, with no stomachs." I said. Because yeah, apparently the only place ghosts could eat was at the club.

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