Chapter 1: Recruitment

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Years Ago

(We see Y/N standing in front of the front door of his apartment.)

(Y/N): She'll understand, right? I mean, she's reasonable. [sighs] She's probably going to kill me for doing this but this is something I have to do.

(He opens the door & walks inside.)

(Y/N): Hello? Babe? You here?

Woman: I'm still here. I missed you this morning.

(Y/N): [chuckles] Yeah. Sorry about that, Helena. I didn't think it would take that long.

Helena: Didn't think "what" would take so long?

(She walks into the living room to see Y/N wearing an Army uniform.)

Helena: So, you finally signed your life away?

(Y/N): If you mean "enlisted" then yes.

Helena: Right. I forgot the word.

(Y/N): You're not mad?

Helena: Why would I be mad? It's not like we've had countless arguments over this, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Okay, you're mad.

Helena: [sighs] (Y/N). I understand that you want to be a hero. I really do.

(Y/N): If you did, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Helena: You're not Superman!

(Y/N): I know that--

Helena: You don't have superpowers.

(Y/N): That's pretty obvious, Helena. I don't need powers to make a difference in the world.

Helena: I just don't understand why you can't make a difference in our corner of the world, (Y/N). I mean, it's Gotham for Christ's sake!

(Y/N): I know I can make a bigger difference, Helena. Beyond Gotham.

Helena: I'm not going to be able to convince you, am I?

(Y/N): I'm afraid not.

Helena: [sighs] It was fun while it lasted.

(Y/N): What was?

Helena: Us.

(Y/N): Wait. We're breaking up?

(She leaves for their bedroom & he follows her to see that she's packing her clothes into a bag.)

(Y/N): So, just like that it's over?

Helena: Since you'd rather serve your country and fight in some war than be with me, yeah, just like that.

(Y/N): It's not like that, Helena.

(She gets done packing her clothes & walks up to him.)

Helena: I know it's not. I'm sorry I said that. But, (Y/N). You know I'm not the kind of girl that's going to wait around for someone.

(Y/N): That I do. Honestly, I was hoping I'd be the exception.

(She kisses him.)

Helena: No exceptions.

(She heads towards the front door & Y/N follows her.)

Helena: Promise me something?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Helena: Don't die.

(Y/N): I don't know if I can exactly promise that but, I promise.

(She gives him a light smile & walks out of the apartment.)

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