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Perfect Reservation (3) — hoonsuk!



FROM WHAT JAEHYUK KNEW AS HIS THREE YEARS OF WORKING UNDER THE MANAGER, Hyunsuk didn't have many people in his life. He meets so many new faces everyday, to provide and give them his tip top services, he lives to it as if it was his only purpose in living. Being close to him and also a distant cousin, Jaehyuk knew that Hyunsuk didn't really have any other interests in anything, other than a bit of football in his earlier years and an addiction to checkers, nothing else really. Maybe it was because that one time where he tried baking but ending up burning the batter into melting caramel.

That prospect of Hyunsuk made Jaehyuk think he never really opened his heart for anyone. It could be the reason for once he meets someone, they would end up packing their bags and eventually move on. With Hyunsuk's timid personality as well, he wouldn't be brave enough to ask for their contact to keep in touch. He also had a big respect for privacy and keeping things professional. In the end, it was just the Choi Hyunsuk he knew.

Jaehyuk gave the new arriving couple a firm nod, as they locked their elbows together, sharing a gleeful grin and shuffled to the closest elevator. The bellboy then pulled in the cart closer to the three luggages that leaned on each other. He carried the biggest suitcase, placed it on the cart, and slipped the other next to him.


By now, everyone in the lobby knew who that voice belonged to. It had been four months since he arrived in their merry hotel, and four months since that incident with the skating trolley and Jaehyuk. And still, the bellboy had a small grudge against the kid.

Jeongwoo didn't have his usual chubby smug like whenever he greeted the manager by the front desk. Instead had his chest rising and sinking in a frenzy, tugging on Hyunsuk's trousers. Hyunsuk quickly finished off the call from the phone line and pondered his attention on grabby lad, worried at his insanely alarming pants.

"Junghwan, it's Junghwan! He's missing!"

In his three years of working as a bellboy for the Radcliffe Hotel, he had never seen Hyunsuk's face turn so hollow and pale. Whenever a problem fell on them, Hyunsuk would always say, stay calm first before thinking for the best resolution. Clearly in this situation, he wasn't listening to his own words.

When the wind whispered out a gust again, Hyunsuk had demanded a few words at the receptionist as he frenzied for his cell phone. He then quickly shoved the device in his pocket, and sent Jeongwoo back to his room, darting for the door. For once, Hyunsuk raced through customers with their luggages, not sparing a single glimpse on them, only small excuse mes' and employees had their tongues tied, raising a puzzled brow.

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