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Perfect Reservation (5) — hoonsuk!


plus one.

HE CHECKED THE MESSAGE he had just received a few seconds ago, scanning the minuscule screen one more time, before shoving his cell phone back in his pocket. Hyunsuk then turned around, facing away from the departure board spread across below the ceiling, and he headed to outside of the vast, yet quite crowded building. He gave his small hand bag a shrug on his shoulder, and continued to dodge the carts pushed by people around him.

In the springtime, guests wouldn't flood the hotel as much as the previous season did. So it was around this time of the year, he finally had a day off, all to himself. But being the kind hearted long distant cousin of a certain bellboy of the Radcliffe, Hyunsuk had taken Jaehyuk to the airport, as his mother begged him to send him to the departures area. Jaehyuk had a family emergency, and needed to be beside his mother and siblings right away, and Hyunsuk didn't even hesitate to give him a week off. After all, the hotel wasn't as busy.

He adored this time of the year most, especially the city he had recited in. The weather wouldn't be too blistering with roars of the wind, like how winter would be. There was no need to avoid hurricanes and getting engrossed in thick layers of snow. And certainly, the sun would be out, shining it's gorgeous warm rays down to the skyscrapers below. Yet, it wouldn't be too hot, to the point where Hyunsuk would be swimming in his own drenching sweat. It would be perfect, just the right amount of sunshine to go by the day.

Having to greet Spring with his day off seemed a bit too merry for him. Sending Jaehyuk to the airport felt like nothing, and to be honest, he didn't really need his companion. But Hyunsuk was a man of words and service, he just had to when his aunt called him a few days back, with a slight guilt but mostly worried in her tone of voice. Hyunsuk didn't take it too much to heart and finished his task anyway, and now he had all the time to himself.

Hyunsuk froze at his spot. What was he planning to do anyways today? Nothing. Yeah, nothing. Probably stopping by a simple restaurant for lunch, go window shopping for a bit, until he actually really wants something from one of the boutiques. Then maybe a stroll in the city park before it reached the late afternoon, feeding the ducks at the pond and buying himself a cup of warm milk tea at his favorite stand nearby.

He nodded at the small plan he had in his head, but then glanced down at his foot. Still, it felt a bit too lonely.

"Hyunsuk, is that you?"

Oh, how much he wanted to strangle himself for flinching too hard at the call out of his name. That voice was just way too familiar, one that would haunt his empty thoughts whenever he went blank while working around his office. And it was also the only voice he was afraid to say he kind of did crave to hear. That doesn't count as missing it, right?

JEWEL BOX.⠀⠀➹treasureWhere stories live. Discover now