We're dead?!

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Sebastian's POV:

I wasn't able to sleep so i decided to look around.

I'm a bit skeptical about the brush. It felt sinister.

I gathered up some courage and grab the sinister thing.

Suddenly, i was assulted with inspiration and need of creating those.

I immediately fling the brush away. I stumbled back a few steps and dropped on my behind.

What in the world...?

Yep, that thing is sinister. Let's not touch it. At all.

Suddenly something resembling a glitches portal appear in front of me, sightly behind the sinister brush and a skeleton appear from it.

The skeleton's bone is a pitch black with the humerus, spine, femur, bridge finger and bridge toe is a crimson. The tip of the finger and tip of the toe is a pale pink. The eye socket is a pale pink. The right eye light is a bright crimson star shape with a pale pink iris and the left eye light is pitch black like the void itself. The lines from the sockets to the jaw was a bright crimson faded to pale pink.

Why do they felt so familiar?

The skeleton looked around and saw me. I can tell they (my sis told me that i shouldn't assumed gender) raised an eyebrow at me.

The skeleton then look down and saw the sinister brush and reach for it. I got alramed.

"WAIT, DON'T TOUCH IT!" I shouted but it's too late. The skeleton was stunned a bit when they grabbed it. But other than that nothing happened.

"Huh? So this is why he can't stop creating." The skeleton murmured as they approached me.

With the brush in hand.

"Hi, you're Ink, right?" The skeleton asked After reaching me.

Ink? Who that? And no, I'm not whoever Ink is.

"No, my name's Sebastian." I answered with a slight glare.

The skeleton freezes while their eyelights shrunk.

"B-brother?" The skeleton hesitantly said.

My eyes widened.

No wonder they felt so familiar!

"Sissy?!" I exclaimed loudly.

"Bro that is so weird for us to have the same dream!" Sissy said as she flopped down on the non-existing ground.

Then, silence ensued.

The silence is deafening.

Couldn't stand the silence, i asked "Sis, are you okay?"

She looked at me crudely, "Yeah, why?"

I pointed at the brush in her hand.

"Oh!" A realization appear on her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Compare to the place i just can out of, this is rather mild."

Mild? Where is she before she came here?

She continued, "But hey, now i know which version we are in and why Ink can't resist the urge to create!"

What? Version? Ink?

"Wait, wait, wait!" I stopped my sis from continuing, "What do you mean, sis?"

"Oh, right. You're not that well verse in fandoms." Sis muttered, she turn to me and continued, "The place we are in are undertale, ya the game i kept telling you bout?"

"Yes, it's an indi-game made by a man named Toby Fox right?"

"Yup, that one. The fandom of the game made AUs A.K.A alternate universes. I'm also a part of the community and made some myself."

"Right, i remembered one, Reigntale."

"Glad ya remember it!" Sis grinned brightly.

She must really love this fandom.

"Anyway, the skeleton ya are now is Ink, the creator of AUs. I'm the opposite, Error, the destroyer of AUs. The title is pretty self-explanatory."

"But-" She turned to me, "The designs all wrong. Ink is supposed to have black markings, socket and is emotionless, not drak Blue, cyan and emotional. Same goes first me, my colour is supposed to be black, red and yellow, not black, Red and pink."

I though for a bit about her words.

"Maybe it's cause we're the one being the character."

"Maybe..." sis murmured.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up like she remembered something, she jumped up and yelled "STATS!"

"What?" I flinched at her sudden movement.

"Stats means everything in Undertale. They give you information bout certain things or people with 100% accuracy so long as no one is tampering with the stats." Sis explained, "We could just check each other's stats!"

"But how do we do it though?"

"Just think about checking my stats like this." Sis said then suddenly a glow came out of my ribcage.

It's an upside-down heart. It looked like glass. The glass looking heart is a glowing green, inside is a liquid. The liquid is a cyan faded into deep blue. It looked simple but beautiful.


Name: (ABSENT) (Sebastian Axel King) [Fate's chosen] [Creator of AUs] [Touched by the deity of Chaos- DATA ONLY AVAILABLE TO OTHERWORLDERS]


FACTS: [Formed by the deity of Fate] [Tempered by the deity of Chaos- DATA ONLY AVAILABLE TO OTHERWORLDERS] [The soul died in its world and was placed here by Chaos- DATA ONLY AVAILABLE TO OTHERWORLDERS] [Soul will only be summoned by otherworlders- DATA ONLY AVAILABLE TO OTHERWORLDERS]


What in the world?!

"Quick check mine!"

I scrambled around as i though 'CHECK!'

A soul came out of sis's ribcage. It's also an upside-down heart. It was a bright crimson faded to pale pink with a black like void heart shape within it. Rainbow coloured strings ware hanging loosely from it. 


Name: (ABSENT) (Samantha Ashley King) [Destiny's chosen] [Destoryer of AUs] [Touched by the deity of Fate] [Touched by the deity of Chaos- DATA ONLY AVAILABLE TO OTHERWORLDERS]

LOVE: ???

FACTS: [Formed by the deity of Destiny] [Taken away form their home and forcibly changed by Fate] [Fates strings' affects had been cancelled- DATA ONLY AVAILABLE TO OTHERWORLDERS] [Tempered by the deity of Chaos- DATA ONLY AVAILABLE TO OTHERWORLDERS] [The soul died in its world and was placed here by Chaos- DATA ONLY AVAILABLE TO OTHERWORLDERS


What in the world?!

"Does that mean we're dead?!" I asked loudly with confusion laced in my voice.

"We definitely are, bro, we definitely are."

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