A New Start!

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Sebastian's POV:

I was born weak and sickly unlike my twin. My mom had to work hard to afford my medical fee. After she died, sissy been the one having to work to raise me. Because of me my sis abandon her dreams of becoming an explorer and search for a more well paying job.

I hated myself for being so sick. I hated myself for not being able to help. I'm a man, i should be the one doing the protecting. Not her. I really hated it.

But not anymore! Somehow we both died and ended up in a new dimension. From what i can tell my new body is a lot more healthier than my old one, by a long shot.

Sissy won't have to follow the stupid storyline or whatever it is that my so call 'mother' planned. I will let her live her dreams!

Now, the important question is what are we supposed to do now?

I turned to sissy and asked "What are we gonna do now?"

Sissy raised a non-existing eyebrow at me. "Well obviously getting clothes first, like for god sake we're naked even if we're skeleton!"

I only nticed when sis mentioned us being naked. I blushed a bright cyan.

"How are we gonna do that?" I asked.

"Well..." Sis looked around for a bit and found something. I followed her gaze and saw the giant paintbrush she unknowingly throw away.

She grabbed it place it near the place she's sitting, "Bro, gave me the vials."

The vials? Oh you mean the weird looking bottles? Yeah it should be around here somewhere.

I looked around and found the bottles now dubbed as vials. I gathered it and ran towards here.

"Glad to see that ya actually able to move normally now!" Sis commented as she looked through the vials in my arms.

"Yeah, i can finally do what i wasn't able to before!"

"That's great..." She murmured as she picked out the vials.

She picked the ones coloured in: red, pink, purple, black, cyan, indigo, green and white.

I placed rest to the vials down once she's done.

"What are you doing, Sis?" I asked curiously as i sat down beside her.

"I'm making clothes," she replied, "Unlike Ink or you, i can't create by swing the brush, i needed another way. Error can use strings not only to destroy but create, usually in the form of clothing or dolls. From the looks of it, my strings comes in the colour rainbow unlike Error's which is a bright blue. I can change its colour but i want the colour to be permanent. That's where your vials came in."

Sis suspended her hand in the air with her fingers pointing downwards. Suddenly, rainbow coloured strings materialized at her phalanges' joint, warping around her fingers and pulling out into the open. Sis used her other hands to open the red vial and dip the strings into the vials.

The strings soaked there for a few seconds then got pulled. What comes out is not the beautiful sparkling rainbow but a gorgeous rich red.

"Nice, it worked!" Sis cheered.

She continue the process with the other colours and in great quantity.

"Good, now it's time to knit!"

To many my sis doesn't seems like the one to knit. But if one thing bout stay in the hospital teach her, its that the reception there is super bad. She resort to doing other things to spent time with me, like drawing or knitting.

It took awhile but she was able to finished two sets of clothing for us.

For me she got a dark indigo hoodie with shiny cyan gorgeous phoenix design on the sides of the hoodie. Above it is a white sleeveless tang shirt with pale green knot button and a beautiful dragon design in pale green that had a shine to it on the back. A simple black tai ji pants with deep indigo king fu shoe.

Simple but had a Chinese vibe which i loved.

It may not look like it but we're actually From a Chinese household so since young i had love the Chinese clothes. It looked so pretty and elegant.

As for sis's clothes, she got herself a blood crimson hoodie with pale pink Christian cross on both sides that connected at each end around the back and head of the hoodie. A black twin tailed waist coat with purple highlights. Casual white shorts and red socks that reached above her knee. As well as pale pink dress shoes, thanked to the strings hardening effect.

"So what cha think?" Sis asked looking very proud at what she had made.

To be frank other than the odd colour choice it's nice.

"I love it Sis!" I cheered, "But what bout that?"

In her hand are two scarves. One is a deep indigo faded to bright cyan and the other is bright crimson faded to pale pink.

Sis just gave me a wide grin. She sling the indigo cyan scarf over her shoulder. Then She wrapped the red pink around my neck and tied the ends into a bow.

I blushed brightly.

Then She pull the other scarf off her shoulder and warp it around her neck loosely.

"And now we have something that resembles each other!" She said with a wide toothy grin.

Oh! So that's what the colours about.

"Now we need new names!"

"Why? Isn't Samantha and Sebastian good enough?" I asked tliting my head slightly.

"BB, we're in a new world with a new life. It's a new start! Of course we have to had new names! Plus having a name that some what fits here is good for us since in the undertale fandom, we hardly see skeleton with a human name as a nickname!"

Huh? Well, i guess we could use some new names.

"Do you had any name ideas?"

"Well... How about Screen and Canvas!"

Screen and Canvas? I think i know where she's going.

"Alright!" I smiled, "Form now on we're Screen and Canvas!"

"Great!" Sis, now known as Screen cheered, "Now we just need you to learn your power!"

I froze.

By learning to use my power meaning to use that demonic stick.


I ain't touching it.

Screen noticed my tensed behavior and sighed, "I know ya scared Canvas but you gotta do it. How bout this? I'll help you out.  I can just manipulate the world's code a bit to let it create AUs by themselves. You just have to learn to create everyday items, no AUs. I can stop ya if ya lose control."

I stared at her grinning face and sighed in defeat.

Even though i don't wanna do this but if i can't get stronger i can't protect Sis. I can't have that.

Still, i have the best sis in the world and no one can change that.

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