Nightmare angst part 1

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(mention: traitor!Error au, self harm,Drama and much more)

No one pov*
Nightmare having many mental breakdown after Error betraying him,Cross and Ruke. He rarely out from his room and his imsomnia problem is getting worse. He starting to think why Error betraying him and feel is not good enough.

Ruke: Nightmare?

It Ruke voice. She trying to enter Nightmare's room but it seem like he blocking it.

Nightmare: go away Ruke.....

Ruke: listen, Im worrying about you. You didnt eat anything for weeks.

Nightmare: So?!

Cross: listen here Night, I know you and Error really a good friends but you need to move on. He left us


Ruke: I'll leave the foods in here. Take it if you want.

Cross and Ruke left and went to the living room.
Nightmare open his door and take the foods that Ruke left for him.
After Nightmare finished eating his foods, he decide to take a little nap(eventhough he still having IMSOMNIA)

The next day, Nightmare finally out from his room. He want to greet Ruke and Cross but it seem like they out for taco bell. Nightmare went to kitchen to drink some waters but then his mind got disturbed by a sharp thing......

He take the knife from the sink and stare at it. He starting to think alot of negative thing than usual. His negative mind became more powerful, he cant feel a good though right now. The only think he can feel is being betray by his bestfriend and his brother.


Dream pov*

Ugh.... Why there so many negative feeling coming from there. It make me having a headache, I need to check it out.

Dream: Ink call Error, we need to go to that area.

Ink: Got it Boss.

A few minutes later, JR saw meme squad but without Nightmare. Ink captured them and asking they some question

Ruke: god damnit. We just want to eat. Rolled eyes*

Ink: rolled your eyes on me again, I swear I will go hard on you

Ruke: hah I want to see you try.

Cross: dude, she just a girl

Error: that right Ink, Ruke is just a girl.


Error: what? Arent you supposed to be happy to see me. Cmon, forget about Nightmare and join Dream instead

Cross: not gonna happen Error.

Dream: enough, where is Nightmare?

Ruke: we are not gonna tell you.

Dream: oh really. Let make a deal, tell me where is Nightmare and I'll send back to your parents. I know that Nightmare kidnapped you

Cross: HEY! Take back that words again!

Ink: shut up Oreo

Error: uh Dream, there so-

Dream: not now Error. So Ruke do you agree?

Ruke: there something you need to know about me yellow bird.

Dream: what?

Ruke: My parents abandoned me when I was a baby. Maybe Nightmare kidnapped me, but he the one who take care of me.


Cross: NOW!

Ruke summon some fire from her hand and throw it on Dream and Ink.
Cross untie his hand and started to run away.

Ruke: bruh, I was so scared

Cross: I cant believe that *ssholes trying to manipulate us!

Ruke: Yeah and I cant believe Ink treat me like that. Im a woman Ink!

Cross: opp- let go home now

Back with Nightmare*

Nightmare starting to hurting himself with the knife. His wrist is filled by bloods. Then he faint due losing so many bloods.

Once Cross and Ruke went home, they notice something isnt right. Cross went to kitchen and found Nightmare is lying down on the floor with a bloody knife in his hand. He found out that Nightmare lose so many bloods for 2 hours.

Cross: Nightmare?! Wake up buddy

Ruke: what wrong- NIGHTMARE!

Cross: call ambulance

Ruke: but Dream will captures us!

Cross: I dont care? Nightmare is dying right now!

(Dont Ask why im doing. I just feeling sad)

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