Part 5- The Witch's Tower

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We're here! Ami said as she closed the portal. "This place looks scary." Shinsuke said as he hid behind Tenma. "It's okay, at least the witch disappeared. She will never come back." Tsurugi said. Ami pushed the door and it creaked open. Inside, they saw dust everywhere. There were also some spider webs in the corners. "Wow, this place sure is abandoned." Kagura said as she looked around. They saw stairs going to the top of the tower. "Let's split up," Tenma said. "Me, Kagura, and Tsurugi will search upstairs. While Aoi, Shinsuke, and Ami will search here." He added. Everyone else nodded. So, they went upstairs to the witch's room. They saw more spiderwebs and in a wall they saw a bookshelf filled with big, fat, spell books. Kagura started searching in the bookshelf. Tenma, and Tsurugi searched on her messy bed.
Meanwhile, Aoi started searching in a random place. Same with the others. Ami searched in the most mysterious area. Soon, they found a note in one of the drawers saying: 'ONCE AN EMERALD, ALWAYS AN EMERALD.' ....
Kagura found something hidden between the books. It was a picture of a green rose. Kagura said "Hey guys, I found something." Tenma, and Tsurugi stopped searching and went to Kagura. She showed the picture then, Tsurugi said "Let's tell the others that we found something." Tenma, and Kagura agreed. They quickly went downstairs where the others were waiting. Shinsuke excitedly said "We found something, We found something!" "Really? Us too." Kagura replied as she showed them the picture of the green rose. Aoi showed to them the note as well. "Once an emerald, always an emerald? What does that mean?" Kagura asked. "And what does that green rose mean?" Aoi asked. "Wait a minute, I've seen that rose before." Ami said. "Where, where?" Shinsuke asked. "If I'm not mistaken, I've seen that rose in the gemstone caves." Ami said clearly. "So that's what the note meant." Tsurugi said. "The note meant that the emerald is in a place where it's supposed to be. A place where emeralds are supposed to be." He added. "Then we should go to the gemstone caves." Kagura snapped. "Alright, let's go." Ami excitedly said as she opened another portal. Everyone got in quickly as they traveled to the gemstone caves.....

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