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"Is the car seat strapped in, correctly?" I ask Bella. "Yes, for the tenth time. There is no way Jamie or the car seat will be moving, stop worrying." She replies from the front seat. We are currently on our way home from the hospital with Jamie. 5 days after they moved Jamie from the special care nursery to the normal nursery, Dr Sinclair said that Jamie was ready to go home. She said it was quite unusual that premature babies are ready to leave the hospital so quickly. Jamie was a big baby from the beginning anyway so it was pretty easy for him to overcome this.

My overprotective motherness began to show, which made me feel like I might do okay with being a mum. Whilst I am being the overprotective, worried mother, Bella is cool, calm and collected. I guess it's because she has younger siblings and she is used to looking after younger girls which have made her not be so worried.

During the 20 minute drive home, I spend the entire time backseat driving, cursing at Bella every time she makes a slightly sharp turn or goes over a speed bump. I am sitting in the middle seat with Jamie's car seat to the left of me. When I wasn't cursing at Bella, I would watch Jamie's face. He had turned his head to face the window, watching the world go passed as we drive home. I watch his eyes widen as we pass something slightly different than before, watching his confusion and interest. I never knew that the little things he did would make such an impact on me.

We pull into the driveway, me once again scolding at Bella when she makes a sharp turn once again. I take Jamie out of the car, walking so slow as if I walk any faster, I might drop Jamie. Bella grabs Jamie's bags from the car and follows me to the front door. She unlocks the door for me and I walk in slowly and carefully, still afraid that I could possibly drop Jamie.

Bella walks in and puts the bags down, and then walks to the kitchen to begin making dinner. I walk around the house with Jamie in my arms, showing him where everything is. "This is the kitchen, it's usually going to be your mama cooking because she is better at that, however, I sometimes cook certain things." I point to the kitchen. "This is the living room," I whisper to him, noticing he was falling asleep. "This is where we watch television sometimes and we also play board games. When you are older, I can teach you how to play them. Monopoly, Chess, Rummikub, Gin Rummy, Poker. You will never beat me at Poker though, I am an undefeated champion." I chuckle. I turned around to go and walk upstairs when I am faced with Bella, who was watching me from the kitchen, leaning on the bench. She smiles and chuckles lightly, shaking her head before turning back to the stove. "You are going to be an amazing mother, babe." I smile at the compliment, still struggling to grasp the fact that I am now, in fact, a mother." I walk upstairs, showing the sleeping baby in my arms all of the rooms. It seems kind of pointless but I felt the need to do it. My last stop is the babies room. I breathe in, knowing that the room isn't necessarily a good fit for a boy. I push the thought away as I open the door, looking around the pink room. I place him in his bed where he coos slightly before falling into a deep sleep. I watch him for a few minutes before deciding to go downstairs.

I walk into the kitchen just as Bella places two bowls of spaghetti on the table. "I was just about to come and get you. How did it go with Jamie?" She asks. I smile, "He loved every room. I put him to bed and he fell right asleep, it was a big day for him. I think we should consider redoing his room a bit, make it gender-neutral." I suggest to her. She nods her head, finishing her mouthful of spaghetti before speaking. "I agree, however, I don't want to spend too much money. So why don't we make the room more grey themed? We could have grey sheets, paint the walls grey and find onesies that will fit him and then maybe we can get my mum to make his clothes." I nod, feeling tears well up in my eyes. "Hey, what's wrong?" "What if he never gets a proper life?" Bella sighs, reaching across the table to grasp my hand. "We will make his life as normal as possible. If we have to at times disguise him as a girl, then so be it. It won't be too difficult." I nod my head, wiping away the tears before we continue to eat, this time in comfortable silence.

Once we have finished eating, Bella and I decided to watch a movie. This time it is one that came out recently. It was called IT. They have been constantly remaking the movie for over a century, having to slightly alter it after the Great Eradication. We keep the volume low so we don't wake up Jamie and have the baby monitor volume up high so we can hear him if he wakes up. Around halfway through the movie, a knock on the front door makes us jump. I look towards the clock, seeing that it was 10:30 pm. I stand up, confused as to why someone would be here so late, but also curious as to know who was at the door.

I open the door, only to find no one there. I look around the street, noticing a shadow caused by the street lights, just turn the corner but I couldn't make out who it was. I shake my head, not getting too worked up about it. Maybe it was someone just trying to prank a random house. Well, they got us so well done.

I close the front door and make my way back to the living room. "Who was it?" Bella asks me. I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know, maybe just a prankster-" another knock is heard at the door. "Seriously?" I call out to no one in particular. "They have already done it once, it was funny, do they have to d it again?" I mumble. I walk to the door, opening it, only to, yet again, find no one there. As I am about to close the door, I notice an envelope on the welcome mat. I pick it up, look around the street again and then close the door after not finding anyone outside.

I walk back to the living room and sit on the couch next to Bella. "Did you see who it was?" I shake my head before holding up the envelope. "No, but someone left this on our doorstep." I frown. "Are you going to open it or am I?" Bella asks. I roll my eyes before I begin to tear open the envelope. I pull out the card and begin to read it. "Well, what does it say?" Bella asks. I ignore her, staring at the piece of paper in front of me. "Babe, tell me." She persists. I don't do anything, still in shock. Bella sighs before taking the letter from me to read it aloud.

'I know about your son. And I will take him from you.'

BLUE - Caitlin SzmerlingWhere stories live. Discover now