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Once Bella arrived at the police station, we went through everything that was to happen to work out who took the article and if they have any relation to who took Jamie. We sat behind a desk that held multiple computer screens on it. One played the security footage of the fake police officer who took the newspaper article, another played the baby camera footage from when Jamie was first taken.

As we watched both videos, I noticed a similarity in both individuals. "Look, there." I point that the wrist of the person who was picking up Jamie from out of his crib. "They have the same tattoo as the fake police officer." Detective Davis, Detective Thompson and Bella all take a closer look at both people. "What kind of tattoo is it?" Detective Thompson reaches over to the keyboard and zooms into the tattoo, focusing onto it to make a clear image. It was a circle with an arrow pointing upwards. "It looks like it is the symbol for the male species." Detective Thompson mentions. I look at Bella who looks back at me, who then speaks up. "I guess we can confirm now that Jamie isn't the only male on earth now."

We all looked a bit stunned at the fact that it has now been said aloud and that it now felt more real. We already pretty much knew that Jamie wasn't the only one after we found the news article, but it now being said aloud meant that it really was true and that means that Jamie could've been taken by this other man. This man is known as Peyton Smith.

"What can we do now that we know what they sort of look like?" I ask both the detectives."Well, we will send out an alert to the neighbourhoods nearby for them to look out for him. Then we will send out a search team for them to pretty much search anywhere possible. Other than that, we just sit, wait and hope for the best." Detective Davis explains. I look towards Bella with tears forming in my eyes. She looks back at me replicating my expression as she holds her arms out. I walk into them, needing her embrace to calm me down.

"I think we should go now." I hear Bella say, probably to either one of the detectives. I hear them talk quietly for a few more minutes before I feel Bella begin to walk me away. "Hey, we are going home now, okay?" She whispers to me. All I can do is nod my head, unable to form words. She opens the passenger door of the car for me, helping me get in. She then walks around the car into the drivers' seat, starting the car and pulling away from the police station.

I turn my head towards her, watching her concentrate on the road before speaking up. "I'm sorry that you're always the one to look after me. I know I am such a sook. I will try and toughen up." She glances at me with a shocked look before turning her head back to the road. She then reaches for my hand before replying, "When we got married, do you remember what I said in my vows? Through thick and thin, I will always be there for you. No matter what. And yes right now our son is missing, which means that you have every right to be all over the place. We already both know that I am the one who looks after you. You have already given me the greatest gift of the world and no matter what I do, I will never be able to repay you." She confesses almost out of frustration. "You are never a burden to me. And I want you to remember that. Got it?" She glances at me again, before turning back to the road. Though she wasn't quick enough to hide the tears that were streaming down her face. I sit up slightly, running my thumb across her cheek to wipe away some of the tears. "You are the greatest gift that I have ever received." She almost cries out.

I noticed that we had pulled into our driveway. I unbuckled my seatbelt before turning to her completely. "And you are the greatest gift I have ever received," I whisper back to her, placing my hand on her cheek. She stares into my eyes before smashing her lips onto mine, moving together in perfect sync. We pull apart eventually to take a breath, staring into each others' eyes. "Thank you for always being there for me," I say. She smiles slightly before opening her door and getting out of the car. I go to open my door but she stops me, now running towards my side of the car. She opens the door before moving to take my hand and gently pull me out of the car.

We walk inside the house after unlocking the door and begin to get ready to go to bed, as we were so tired from the events that occurred today. Bella jumped onto our bed, which I begin to scold her for as she needs to get changed but before I could get any words out, she is already asleep. I decide not to wake her up and instead get changed and get into bed too, knocking out like a light almost instantly.

BLUE - Caitlin SzmerlingWhere stories live. Discover now