1)Stiles A WIZARD?!

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Stiles takes a leave from Beacon Hills High and goes to England, unbeknownst to the Pack.

At the end of the year Stiles comes back with lots of bruises, wounds and whatnot making Scott and the rest jittery and wary. They are - as regrettable as it should be at this point - used to the sight of Stiles hurt, if only due to his clumsiness and not fighting Supernaturals every other day for survival.
This time though, something puts them off. It's like his everything is different: his aura, his smell, the way he looks at them and his surroundings... It's sad and wary, yet also defeated, tired, exasperated, and with an emotions so strong but unidentifiable it's startling even Peter. He'd flinched when he was put under that gaze. Which is saying something about the resident zombie creeperwolf.

Stiles had also fought in the war against the Dark Lord and his Deatheaters while being a Hufflepuff (though it had nearly been Ravenclaw if not for his 'I'll die for you or make sure you survive' mindset. Alastor had quite a time getting in and sifting through the teens mind and holy hell he will not be doing it again anytime soon in the next 4 years)!

In the following days Isaac finds a weird stick Stiles had dropped in the Lacrosse changing room, taking and showing it to the pack. Who then take it to Deaton as Stiles magics his room and truck clean with a wandless reparo. Deaton tells them it's an authentic wizarding tool and they'd apparently just fought a war 1 week ago in britain! Making the pack call a meeting with Stiles.

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