Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Lay it All Down
Julia's POV

Kyle, Tyler, and I were walking down the hallway together, discussing Tyler's upcoming presentation. "What's the big deal?" Kyle scoffed as Tyler.

"It's an oral presentation. You can fake half of it as long as you do it with style," Kyle finished.

"You could. I don't do the whole talking in front class thing," Tyler confessed.

"Should I apologize for taking all the charisma in the family?" Kyle snickered.

"Kyle," I stated in a soft warning tone. Tyler came to a stop and faced Kyle and I. I knew how important this speech was. Baseball was on the line.

"If I don't pass this, I'm on academic probation from the team." Tyler faced me as he spoke the next part, "I need your help. Possibly help from the both of you."

"Say that again for for posterity," Kyle muttered.

"Kyle," I warned him again as I rolled my eyes.

"Coach saw your mom's posterity last night," Jackson commented as he walked towards us. As Jackson walked past us, he let out a chuckle.

"It's not even what that means," Kyle pointed out as Jackson strolled further down the hallway.

I took a step towards Jackson's direction and Tyler immediately held me back. "Don't. He's not worth it, right now."

"What was he talking about, anyways?" Kyle asked Tyler and I. We shared a look before letting out a small sigh.

"I'll see ya," Tyler quickly stated before backing away from us and heading in a different direction.

"What was that about?" Kyle asked me.

"Nothing," I said shaking my head before leaving Kyle alone in the hallway.

I was sitting in class when I got a text from Annie saying she left early because her mom was in the hospital. I was worried for her and her mother since Annie didn't exactly tell me what was going on. I told her I would visit her after school, so we could catch up.

Once it hit the end of the school day, I walked down the hallway and found Ty at his locker. "Did you hear about Annie's mom?" I questioned him.

"Yeah, I did. I asked her if her mom was okay," Tyler admitted. 

"Well I'm going over to her house to check on them. I'll let you know how they're doing," I told him with a slight smile.

"Thanks," Tyler muttered with a slight smirk on his face.

"Are you feeling better, now that some time has past?" I questioned him curious. Tyler shook his head no. 

"Just don't think about it. I doubt anyone else knows. It's just Jackson trying to mess with your head."

Tyler was about to respond when his teammate came over to him and asked him if he still needed a ride. "I'll text you later," Ty said before leaving with his friend.

I walked to Annie's house and she informed me that her mom needs to watch her sugar intake. "Can you help me clean on the cabinets of sugary foods?"

"Yea," I said with a smile before leaving my backpack by the door. We started with the pantry and set whatever we found on the kitchen island. 

"Did I miss anything at school?" Annie asked me.

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