chapter 1

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                       Y/N's POV

                              I was sitting at a huge round table with my brother and HeroHero, I haven't seen him in years, he was talking to my brother so I'll take this time to introduce myself, hi my name is (Y/N) (L/N) or in-game (G/N) and in-game I'm a demon and I'm the co leader of the great tomb of Nazarick but I'm also guild master of our branch guild The Church of Purgatory. I picked the name, I mean we have a tomb we gotta have a church to have a matching set, "so (G/N) who's the church going?" I turned to HeroHero and said "still standing strong" he chuckled and said " ya, I figured that our resident Goddess would keep it strong" I grew a tick mark at that and said "you know I hate that" he and my brother laugh at me and if your wondering why he called me a goddess well apparently when your a high level magic caster of the demon race and set up base in a grand church you get the status as a demon God, so ya I'm a demon goddess but I hate it, it just feels weird, HerHero then said "I'm surprised the Tomb and the church are still standing, you guys really did a great job" my brother then said "ya, we all built this place" I then said " and it's my church" he chuckled and said "well I better log off I have to work in the morning, hope we meet again IRL" HeroHero has logged off and that was the last person to leave the Tomb I was sad because it was just me and my brother again I then heard a big ban and I turned to my brother and he slammed his hand on the table, I got up and put my hand on him he calmed down and got up "how about one last walk" I smiled and nodded he grabbed the guilds weapon and we exited the room we spotted Sebus and the Pleiades my brother then said "follow me" and they started walking. We headed to the throne room and I then said "if the server is going to be shut down I better be at the church" he nodded and said "it's alright, you did made it yourself so it's natural you'd be at your alter" I wacked him in the back of his home head and said "will all of you stop calling my thorn and alter!" He laughed at that and I teleported out of there and headed to the church.
                                I teleported to the church more specifically my throne room I looked up and saw the NPCs that I made well most of them next to my throne is the overseer of the church Echidna I design her my self, long white hair, pale skin, gold-ish silver-ish eyes and a black dress to highlight her beauty at the bottom are Rem, Ram and Tohru they are the battle maids and Tohru is also the head of Boulth the battle maids of the church and the head of the maids who take care of the church. I climbed up to the steps leading to my throne when I got there I sat down next to me is the church's guild item the eclipse staff like the staff of Ainz Ooul Gown it's also a god level item, I looked to the corner of my screen and it was almost time for the shutdown I said loud enough For every one to hear "Glory to Ainz Ooul Gown and Glory to the Church!" The lights rourd as I said that it put a smile on my face, I closed my eyes as the countdown ticks down.








My eyes shot opened and I looked around then I thought "what the hell did the GM bush back the server shut down" I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a voice "my Lady is something wrong?" I turned to Echidna and she said "is everything alright my lady?" I then thought " WHY IS SHE TALKING!?!?!?! " I tried to open my menu and chatter box GM but nothing I turned to Echidna who seemed worried and I said "something doesn't feel right" Echidna looked at me and asked "what doesn't feel right?, My lady" I thought if I should order Tohru around but I just said screw it in my head and said "Tohru confirm the church's surroundings, Rem and Ram head to the first floor and guard it and if there are intruders you know what to do" Tohru got up and did a curtsy and said " yes, my mistress " Rem and Ram did the same and left the throne room leaving me and Echidna she was looking at me and asked "do you have an order for me my lady?" I thought about it and I wanted to try something I couldn't do in-game " Echidna come here" she jolted in front of me and she said "yes my lady?" I never hesitated with some perverted acks I did so I said "can I group your chest?" She eminently blushed red and said madly" yes my lady, have your way with me, my body belongs to you! " I was taken back abit after that but I pulled my self out of it and started grouping her and she started mouning and I started thinking " ok since I'm doing this it's either a noob version of the game or I've Bing sent to another world with the church and my NPCs" I feel her heart beat and I can smell her perfume and I thought "the second option is becoming more and more likely" I let go of her chest and I was going to say something but I was interrupted by Echidna "is this it!, Your going to take me right here right now!" . I then thought "I don't remember programming her to be like this!, What the hell!, Wait I remember by brother being here and he said he left a surprise in one of my npcs, I'm going to kill him!!!" I rased my hand and said " nows not the time but maybe later, anyway I want you to gather the floor guardians at the colosseum " she straightened up and said "yes my lady" she then turned into a cloud of butterflies and Vanished.
                                 I was alone so I used the ring to teleport to the colosseum and I'm glad it still works as I entered I looked at the custom sky blueplanet made for me and it always make me smile

the church of Purgatory (OverLord Harem x Futa Reader)Where stories live. Discover now