Unsent Letters

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^^This entire chapter is inspired by this song!!^^ Please listen to it I swear it's really good. And the lyrics are beautiful. >.< And if you do I'd love to hear what you thought about it! 


If at ANY point this chapter makes you severely upset or uncomfortable, STOP READING, take a break(take time to practice self care or do something that makes you happy like a tv show or game) and do not read further. I will have more happier chapters coming soon, so simply wait for those. I want everyone to be safe.

Dear Katsuki,

I often find myself wondering how you are. What you're doing. Hopefully it's well. But I understand I don't have the right to know. I lost that a while ago, huh? 

It's so weird looking back and thinking how I never thought it possible for us to be so separated like this. I always thought that even if we were to break up, we'd stay friends and in contact. I suppose that was all hopeful thinking. My optimistic side. 

But now the cruel reality is that I've been without you for a long time. And even worse, that it's going to remain that way forever. 

You know I used to write you letters. Whenever I felt bad. Whenever I was scared or stressed. Of course I never sent them. Even if I had, I wouldn't expect you to read them. I don't expect you to read this one either. But there must be dozens by now. One for every moment of my life I could've spent with you. Comforting me. Helping me. Just like you used to. Mostly just to remind myself of what could've been, had I not fucked up. I'm so sorry. 

I hear you're happy now. Dating someone. Hell you even formed a hero partnership with her. It hurts. It hurts to know. Remember when we said that would be us? Fighting crime together forever, protecting each other. 

I hate to say it, but I envy her. I miss you. She has what I always wanted. She's in your arms when it should've been me. When you're hurt, you go to her. She comforts you and whispers in your ear how it will be okay. And despite never really trusting anyone, for once, you believe it. You cry together and laugh together. You go on movie dates and picnic dates. 

Remember when we tried to have a picnic date together but it rained so we ended up blasting music and singing along in the car and getting ice cream at McDonalds afterwards? You said it was a bust but I thought it was the most fun I'd had in a long time. 

I hate to say I envy her. I hate to say I miss you. I know it was all my fault anyways. And I shouldn't miss you. But I tried to forget you for so long and I never could. 

I wish you could see my dreams about us again. I wish we were together again. Crying and laughing like you do with her. 

I wonder if I've grown now. Changed enough for you to see me and love me again. To understand I'm not the same person I was back then. If you were to meet me again, would you still love her more? But back then, I was emotional and I was hurting. I'm sorry. 

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