lovers of the past

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I heard of a girl;

Who loved to look far upon the sea, 

Across the seams of wave,

Dreaming of some place to flee.

Her raven hair hangs wild,

Gently caressed by the wind

Strands that seem to be dancing,

Beckoning her to hope for those unseen.

I heard of a boy;

Who fears the dancing waters,

But was born of the seamen,

Dreaming of living in some concrete land.

His pale blue eyes, 

The color of seafoam sea,

The greatest contrast and mystery,

For he longs for the dark grounds and trees.

I heard of a tale,

A maiden kept in her towers,

A lad that came with the sailors,

Then a love story for the drinkers.

It was told,

Over and over,

Pass through tongues

Of those talking mothers.

The maiden, they said

Was a beauty that longs to be free

And the lad, they sang

Was a warrior that despises his journeys. 

Across worlds, both ends of the horizon

Across the culture, separated by tradition

Along the lines of forbidden emotion

Born the love that shook their nation.

The rush, I remember so

As my young mind enthusiastic for the story

Brightened ever so brightly

With images of the lost sailor and his fair lady.

Stolen glances, love poems passed,

Hearts promised of someday meeting,

Eyes filled with longing,

Hands holding discretely.

I heard they sang a song often

Of their plans of escaping,

A place to call home;

A time when they're no more to roam.

And to settle in blissful harmony

But like any forbidden folly,

Their time did not last. 

I heard of the grieving mothers,

I heard of the bloody halls,

I heard of sighing fathers,

And I heard of the lover's fall. 

Like the season, 

Graceful leaves across the partner wind, 

Mellow sunsets, birds singing

Dancing beautifully preparing to its end. 

I heard they were smiling

As they took their final breath;

Their hearts singing in tune,

Happily welcoming death.

I heard the room went silent

Watching as the lover's of the past

Embraced for one last moment,

And then, free... they were free at last.

_ _


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