XXV - Jisoo

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My face was hot, burning and probably the reddest it's ever been

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My face was hot, burning and probably the reddest it's ever been. I made sure I was out of Lisa's neighborhood to park the car one side and calm down.

Slumping back against the car seat, I breathed heavily. The beating of my heart, thumped against my chest so much that I didn't need to place my hand on it to feel it. As well as it invaded my ears.

Lifting my hand up, I touched the ear that her lips grazed lightly. Her low voice as she whispered those words...

"Eeeeeeeeh!" I buried my face into the palms of my hands and kicked my legs against the bottom of the car.

Peeking through my fingers, I stared at the stirring wheel.

What's wrong with me? Why didn't I stop her when she touched my leg? I mean, I could've politely pushed her hand away or even moved away! She even was about to move her own hand away. But... But her touch felt so nice that I didn't want her to stop.

I bit my bottom lip at the thought and it was doing no good to calming my heart rate down. I sat up straight and slapped both my cheeks to wake me up properly from my imagination.

I drove straight home and messaged Seokjin about when he's coming home. I didn't really wanna be alone because I knew my thoughts will keep wondering around Lisa and Lisa alone.

I'll be later than usual
You don't have to stay awake

I sighed, sitting on the floor and leaning against my couch. Guess I'll just sit her and ponder about Lisa- Argh, stop. I just need to stop. But why would she do that...? Or was she just unconsciously doing it, maybe it was a habit and she didn't think much about it like how I am? And that she meant it in a friendly way!

"You're going to go insane, Jisoo." I spoke to myself, staring at the ceiling.

But what if... Just what if she knew what she was doing and knew the effects it'll have on me?

I yelped out as the sound of my ringtone blared through the apartment. Picking up my phone from the coffee table I glanced at the caller ID and nearly drop the device but fiddled it into a tight grip.

I stared at the ID again and felt my stomach do flips. Here we go, I thought, clearing my throat and swiping on the green button.


"Hey, Jichu!" Lisa greeted enthusiastically, brightness filled in her voice and attitude as she announced my newest nickname.


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