Chapter Fifty-One

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I'm not the type of person to beg for votes or comments as I usually don't mind whether or not you vote or comment. However, it kinda irked me getting only 6 comments on my last chapter for some reason. I'm grateful for those who comment, of course, but I really enjoy reading your comments and prefer them over votes anytime. Comments are what keep me writing and I really enjoy reading your reactions and opinions on things. So getting only 6 comments made me wonder if that chapter should have been published and I contemplated taking it down as I didn't think you guys enjoyed it or maybe you guys are just getting tired of waiting for my updates so you removed the book from your library and/or reading lists.

Whatever the case, I'm sorry lol. I don't know what happened to my motivation with this book, but I'm really trying to get my writing juices flowing again to produce better content. I feel like this book is suddenly dragging along and I hate that and I don't want you guys to get bored.

I still have many ideas for this book, it's just the matter of getting there and getting past the chapters that feel like filler chapters.

If you guys aren't enjoying the way this book is going or aren't happy with something, please do tell so I can consider changing something or try to make your reading experience better. I may not respond to your comments, but I read each and every one of them!


Seokjin wasn't good with kids.

He watched as Hanbin nervously fiddled with the strings on his hoodie. His legs were pressed tightly together and his entire body was tense. The boy's dog was lying on his lap, peacefully sleeping and ignoring her owner's fearful aura.

However, Seokjin was aware that just because Hanbin was somewhat comfortable around him didn't mean he'd be comfortable in his house or anything like that. Seokjin still wondered why and how this child found comfort in him. Most kids naturally didn't like him and ran away from him but that wasn't the case with Hanbin.

The timid boy was sitting on the idol's couch with his eyes trained on the basket of fake fruits situated in the middle of a large glass table. Seokjin didn't like the idea of a dog being in his house but Jungkook had convinced him that Kkul was a clean dog and was house trained.

"Are you hungry?" Seokjin asked after hearing Hanbin's stomach break the growing silence in the room. He wanted the boy to be as comfortable as possible to refrain from an unwanted anxiety or panic attack which would then ruin Jungkook and Taehyung's romantic date. However, he didn't know how to make the young boy feel comfortable.

Hanbin shook his head no, glancing up at Seokjin's face before looking back at the fruit. His stomach growled again but the seven-year-old simply ignored it.

"Okay, what do you want to do? Do you like watching movies? TV shows? Playing games..."

Seokjin didn't have experience with children more or less children like Hanbin. He would have never agreed to watch Hanbin if he were anyone else's child, but the idol actually liked Jungkook. He also knew what it was like to not have time to do fun, adult things due to lack of time and stress and so he couldn't help but say yes to Jungkook's hopeful eyes. He knew Jungkook wasn't happy to just get rid of his son, he was also happy that the boy found someone else he was comfortable around.

Seokjin was flattered.

Hanbin didn't respond to his questions so the older man just sighed and walked towards the bags of things he had bought the boy to keep him occupied. It was just colouring books, colouring pencils, crayons, and a bunch of books since Jungkook told Seokjin that the seven-year-old liked to read. Hanbin had his iPad with him and so Seokjin knew if the boy got bored, he could just pull that out and do whatever he did on that.

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