12- Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas To The One I Call My Missus

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-Aria's POV-

Don't tell anyone, but my birthday is tomorrow. I REALLY don't want any of the guys doing something outrageous.

The only people that know are the people who have been following me on twitter for a while

-Awsten's POV-

Oh how helplessly clueless she is..

I had Jawn do some stalking for me and he told me that her birthday was tomorrow.


I couldn't be the asshole to forget. I bought her some cute little stuffed animals and the weighted blanket she had been talking about getting.

"Awsten what the hell is a stuffed bear doing in the backseat of your car?" Gracie shouted from the doorway.

"What the fuck were you doing in my car?" I spoke, coming down to meet her.

"Grabbing the backpack I left in it. Duh" She spoke and I just laughed.

"They're for Aria. She's had a really rough couple of weeks and her birthday's tomorrow." I spoke and she just looked at me.

"Birthday? We have to take her out!" She spoke and I just shook her shoulder.

"Hey! Earth to Gracie! Were you not listening when I said she's had a rough couple weeks? And she doesn't want anyone knowing. I had Jawn snoop for me" I spoke and she sighed.

"Fine, at least let me bring cake to her apartment?" She spoke and I sighed.

"Fine" I spoke and got ready to leave again.

"Where are you going?" She yelled

"Away from you! I'll see you later." I spoke before getting in my car and driving to Aria's, texting Geoff on the way.

I'm headed to Aria's, if you're gonna text. Be brief. I don't want her knowing that we know yet.

He never texted back so I just put my phone away.

I pulled up to Aria's and let myself in, finding her passed out on the couch with her laptop in her lap.

I moved her laptop off her lap and made sure to close out what she was doing before closing the laptop.

"Hey my love, wakey wakey" I spoke and her eyes fluttered open, Immediately realizing that she wasn't alone and she started panicking.

"Earth to Aria! Hey. It's just me, it's Awsten" I spoke and she relaxed.

"Sorry" She spoke and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"It's okay love, you weren't expecting me" I spoke, sitting down on the couch so she could lay her head on my lap.

"I moved your laptop, hope you don't mind" i spoke and she just looked at me

"I closed out of the programs first, don't worry" I spoke again and she let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank god, I thought we were gonna have issues" She spoke and I laughed.

We hungout all day, Geoff, Gracie, and Jawn texting periodically to make sure we were all good. I confirmed and they moved on.

By about midnight she was starting to fall asleep, so I carried her into her bedroom and we fell asleep there.

She had no idea.

-The next day-

I got up before she did so I slipped out of bed and went out to the living room, scrolling twitter quietly when I came across a tweet I'm pretty sure Aria wouldn't like, but was useful to me in that moment.

@/kaylabarrett: I have her blocked at the moment so um y'all, what the hell do I get @/ariaJofficial for her birthday today?? Ahhh

->@/awsten: Your presence, Aria's apartment. 12pm ;)

->@/kaylabarrett: I'll be there.

I texted Geoff and gracie to make sure we were all good and then I heard Aria stir awake, so i went into the room.

"You alright?" I spoke, leaning down next to her side of the bed

"Yep, all good now that you're here. What were you doing?" She asked and I had to lie.

"Just scrolling twitter, didn't wanna wake you" I spoke and she looked at me skeptically, almost like she knew Kayla had posted.

-Aria's POV-

Let me preface by saying that Awsten is a HORRIBLE liar, so his fib didn't get very far. He left the room and I texted Kayla

Did you post on Twitter this morning?

She replied back immediately

No ma'am I did not. You said you didn't want anyone knowing so I didn't say anything

I felt relieved, but I knew Awsten was hiding something. I just chose to ignore it.

-Awsten's POV-

I had gotten Aria out of the house for a little while. Slipping Gracie the key to Aria's apartment.

-A few hours later-

I texted Geoff to make sure we were clear and ready to go, he gave the affirmative so we headed back,

I had gracie leave the key right outside the door so Aria wouldn't know that anyone else had it.

I went digging through my pockets to make her think I had lost them when she looked me dead in the eyes.

"Awsten, they're on the ground"

I picked them up and went to unlock the door.

-Aria's POV-

"Awsten, they're on the ground" I spoke as he dug around in his pockets looking for his key to my apartment.

He picked it up and unlocked the door. Everything was exactly as we had left it.

Awsten turned on the light and everyone was in the room.

Otto, Geoff, Gracie, Kayla, even Jawn.

"How did they?-" I began speaking before Awsten cut me off.

"I slipped gracie the key and had her leave it right outside the door to make you think I dropped it." He spoke and I laughed, that was actually pretty clever.

"And how did you even know that it  was my birthday?" I spoke again, glaring heavily at Kayla.

"Don't look at me!" She spoke followed by a voice I could regognize anywhere

"He made me stalk your twitter." Jawn spoke and I laughed.

"You really are an elaborate party planner" I spoke and everyone started laughing.

We hungout for a few hours, ate cake that Gracie had made and I opened up gifts.

Even though i didn't want anyone knowing, I'm really happy someone found out.

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