Sorry (YxN)

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It has been a week since Yena being solo again. She practically lived like she used to. There was no a single tears after the girl parted ways with Jihoon the other night. This made her confuse wether she was actually upset or not for the break up.

She chooses to brushed it off. It didn't matter. Life goes on anyway.

Today, she would have fun in Nako's apartment. Funny how they had an unwritten agreement to do sleepover once a week. But the activities were fun, so they dug it.

Yena arrived at 8 pm straight. The tiny girl enthusiastically opened the door and ushered the older to got in.

"Unnie! Glad you can make it!"

"Of course, Baby Nako! Been a week since last time I see you because you're busy running to library back and forth. I miss you!"

The taller girl gave Nako a tight embrace and made the younger fell back to the couch. Yena tried to steal a kiss to the tiny one cheek and made her laugh.

"Unnie!" the younger semi shouted in between her laughter. The older successfully landed a kiss on Nako's right cheek.

Yena released the tiny lady out of her embrace after three more light kisses. Then she stood out and helped Nako prepare their night out.

The girls ordered a take out first before took out the snacks from Nako's cabinet. After both satisfied, they started to pick dramas to watch.

Twenty minutes later, the take out arrived. They finally could settled in the living room. Both enjoyed the foods and the dramas.

"Oh, this movie has so many pretty places, though?" commented Yena in the middle of movie.

"Yes. So suitable for dates," added Nako. "Oh, speaking of dates, how was your date last week?"

Upon hearing that, Yena's body went stiff. She even stopped chewing the chips and swallowed it.

"Unnie?" called Nako slowly.

The older glance to the younger and smile, even though it didn't reach her eyes. "Went well," answered her short.

"Is that so?" there was a hint of suspiciousness in Nako's tone. "Good, then."

The petite one shifted her attention back to the movie, while the other watched her. "Nako," said Yena after a minute of silence.

"Hm?" Nako turned to gave the unnie her attention.

Yena sighed heavily. "I broke up."

That sentence shocked Nako. Her eyes went wide. "I'm sorry, what? I don't think I catch that."

The unnie sighed again. She massage her neck behind her ponytail and took a long breath. "I broke up with Jihoon-oppa. I'm single now."

Nako brought her hands to the mouth. "Oh my God. How... wh—why?"

Another sigh escaped. "He thoughts I forced myself to be with him. He thoughts he was holding me back all this time. That's why he wanted to break up."

Nako watched her unnie a little bit before put down her hands. "What does that mean? Don't you love him, Unnie?"

A silence embraced the two. Yena just stared at Nako and showed her a sad smile. "I guess?"


She patted the younger's head while maintaining the smile she had. "I just guess it was bound to happen sometime anyway."

"Don't you feel upset?"

Yena pondered for a while. "I don't know."

"Have you been crying after the break up?"



The worry face that Nako showed just made Yena giggled. "I'm fine, Nako."


Girl in ponytail giggled again. She stroked the younger head affectionately. "I'm fine, Baby Nako. If not, I'll be fine. Don't worry."

That was the last straw. Nako's eyes went teary and she decided to confess. There's no way she could carry the guilt much longer. "I'm sorry, Unnie."

Saw the girl she adored so much started to cry, Yena sat straight. "Nako, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," that was all she said between her sobs.

"Why? You don't do anything wrong."

"I did, Unnie." She sniffled. "It might be because of me that you broke up."

"What?" asked Yena disbelief. "Hey, hey, calm down, okay? I'm sure you don't have any fault."

"I was wrong, Unnie!" she yelled. Frustrated. "If only I shoved him away, if only I pushed him, he maybe wouldn't do this to you."


"He kissed me!" Her cries got louder. "He kissed me," repeated Nako in much smaller, distressed voice. "I'm sorry, Unnie. I really do. I regret it. I'm sorry."

Yena froze. She watched Nako cried so sadly and started to cry, too. The older then brought the younger into her arms and wrapped the tiny one tight. "No, Nako, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, Unnie."

"It was my fault, Nako, not yours." Yena stroked the tiny's back. "If only I didn't agree to be his, if only I didn't suggest the stupid swap partner thingy, you're not gonna be hurting like this, and he might be with someone who truly loves him."

Yena hug Nako more tightly in her arms. Sobbed harder. "It's not your fault. I'm sorry, Nako. Sorry."

The both of girls embrace one another so tightly. Poured their guilt into loud sobs. And hope to be forgiven.




A/N: Babies, stop crying, I'm sad. Hug me, too :(

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