~I need to be able to trust you (2): Part 4~ (1x05)

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~Author's Note~

This is the forth installment of this mini series. This one-shot follows, "I told you that in confidence (2): Part 1", "What happened? (2): Part 2", and "Stay out of our business (2): Part 3".

In this one-shot is about Naomi after talking to Pete, she realizes that she shouldn't have said anything to Violet about Addison's dreams that she was having. She goes to Addison and apologizes.

Will Addison accept the apology? Or will she not? Will she figure out that Pete said something to Naomi?

Well, to find all that out, keep reading!!


(No one's POV)

Naomi is sitting at her desk. She was thinking about what Pete said to her about betraying Addison's confidence, and he was right she shouldn't have told Violet.

Since her friendship with Addison was in danger of becoming extinct, Naomi after sighing stood up and walked out of her office. She would down the hall and stopped when she came in front of Addison's office.

"Hi", She says, opening the door of Addison's office and sticking her head in.

Addison, who had her head down and working, had looked up and looked at her, now former friend.

"What Nae, actually whatever you have to say I don't really care in hearing about it", She said, standing up from her desk and starting to work out of her office, until Naomi stopped her.

"Addi, you know I'm not very good at apologizing...", Naomi started to say before she was interrupted.

"You are telling me, and I don't remember you in 20 some years of friendship every apologizing to me", Addison said, indignantly.

"Addi, I...", Naomi started again.

"So, I just have to think why are you apologizing to me now"? She asked, questioningly.

"I want to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told Violet about you and Pete", Naomi said, she said it super fast so Addison wouldn't have time to interrupt her again.

"You're right. You shouldn't have", Addison said.

The two women just stood and looked at each other. After a few second of total silence Addison started talking.

"Naomi. I need to be able to trust you I need to be able to tell you stuff, and that you won't say anything to anyone about any of them", Addison said, turning out of her office.

When got to the door, she turned toward Naomi and said, "I forgive you, Naomi, but I don't think that I own trust you, anymore. Maybe, one day, but not yet".

Addison turned back around, turned off the lights of her office and walked out. She sees Pete coming out of his office. She sees Pete coming out of his office. They walk toward each other. They grabbed each others hand, and hand in hand they walk to the elevator together, and Naomi witnessed the entire thing.



Comment below and let me know what you think about it!

I can't think of anymore chapters for this series of one-shots about this topic. But, that doesn't mean that there isn't more.

If you guys want me to finish or add to this series. Let me know. Also give me another time that Naomi "protected" Addison from a situation, and also how Addison might have reacted (that I could write about it).

Also, if possible let me know what the episode it is from.

I really much enjoy reading these chapters, and I wanted you guys to help me brainstorm ideas :)!

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