The Amazing Spider-Man has returned from a brief hiatus to fight crime and protect the citizens of New York City once again. After returning as the web-slinging hero, Peter finds out that Norman Osborn has passed away, and Harry has been made CEO of OsCorp Industries. Jacqueline begins to experience pain in her left arm and questions if it is because of the serum she received from OsCorp. Little do Peter and Jacqueline know, OsCorp had been surveilling them. Peter later realises that he has to go against two OsCorp employees turned villains: Alistaire Smythe and Harry Osborn. In the process, Peter finds out his father's secret and comes across Uncle Ben's killer. When Peter is facing off against his friend turned foe, he comes close to death and requires help from Jacqueline, but she has left to take the photography opportunity in England. Will Jacqueline be around to save Peter before he becomes OsCorp's next victim?