Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Harry's POV

As I was driven back to my apartment, I looked out of the side windows to try and take my mind off things. I had failed my father, and I knew that everyone in the city would find out about what Allistaire had done. I had to come up with a new plan to try and take Peter down, without OsCorp going down with him. Before I thought too much about it, I saw Mary Jane walking down the street.

"Pull over," I ordered to the driver.

The driver pulled the limo over to the side of the road, next to Mary Jane. I winded the window down so I could speak to her, as I didn't want to leave the limo.

"Mary Jane!" I called to get her attention.

"Oh, Harry. You scared me," Mary Jane responded, startled by my sudden greeting.

"It's nice to see you. We should catch up soon!"

"Um, actually Harry, I'm going to be catching up with Peter soon. Me and him are together now."

She continued to walk away as a feeling of betrayal filled me inside. After feeling hurt, a powerful force of fury took over my mind. It was only another reason for me to take down Peter myself.

"Take me home," I demanded, trying to control my anger.

I needed to plan my attack on Peter, while also thinking of a way to save OsCorp and all my dad's work from falling to the ground.

Peter's POV

It was the day after I had taken down the Spider-Slayers and stopped Allistaire Smythe. I was watching the news while reading the Daily Bugle. I wanted to spend as much time as possible, piecing together all the information I already knew. I wanted to try and figure out what was going on, before OsCorp could plan something else.

As the news was starting, I read the headline on the Daily Bugle newspaper, which said:


Before I could read the report, the news began with a report based on OsCorp. I listened carefully to the reporter.

"OsCorp is under fire after the company's top scientist, Dr. Allistaire Smythe, was arrested at the OsCorp Tower yesterday. He created several robots known as 'Spider-Slayers' to take down Spider-Man, for reasons we are not aware of. Spider-Man was able to successfully stop Smythe before he could cause any harm to the citizens of New York. Smythe has been locked up at Ravencroft Institute, where he will be questioned by detectives to find out the reasons behind his attack."

When the report finished, I began to read the report in the paper. It was about how Harry Osborn could be in trouble for all the things OsCorp has done, and how the company is expected to fail because of Smythe's screw up.

I used the information from the newspaper report to put together a plan of theories and ideas on the secrets behind OsCorp. I went into my room to do this, sitting at my desk to write down what I knew, and sticking the pieces of paper on the walls.

I started off with all the scientists turned evil who were under OsCorp control. In the beginning there was Dr. Connors, then there was Max Dillon and Allistaire Smythe. I also wrote down Aleksei Sytsevich because he was under OsCorp control as well. In the middle of the page, I wrote the Green Goblin, then circled it. After thinking about the mysterious man in the cloak, it had to be Norman Osborn. If he was planning everything before he died, only he could have been the Green Goblin.

Which means that he killed Gwen...

My pen broke in my hand, thinking about how I trusted Norman throughout my childhood. If he was the one who visited Aunt May and Uncle Ben after my parents had died, he was definitely planning this all along. He was after me from the beginning. He didn't trust my parents because they ran away with precious research, so he wanted to get revenge on me because he must have suspected I knew things he didn't. When I visited OsCorp for the first time, he must have been watching me, worried that I knew too much about the company. He knew I was Spider-Man from the beginning, because he saw me get bitten by the radioactive spider that gave me powers in the first place.

After thinking about that theory, I questioned if Harry knew about any of this. His suspicious actions may be because Norman told him what he was planning. Maybe Harry was the one who instructed Allistaire to kill me, seeing as he was the new CEO of OsCorp Industries. There were so many questions within my mind, and I was becoming confused. I needed to speak to Harry, though I doubted he was going to give me answers.

Before I could think about anything else, my phone rang from my bed. I picked it up and looked at the caller ID; it was Mary Jane.

"Hey, Pete!" Mary Jane said cheerily as soon as I answered the phone.

"Hey MJ, what's up?" I responded, packing up my notes.

"Nothing much, just wondering if you're free right now."

I paused to look at the notes I was packing away, and the notes on the wall. "Yeah, I'm free. I'll meet up with you downstairs."

"Awesome! See you in a sec!" Mary Jane exclaimed, before hanging up.

After she hung up, I placed my phone in my pocket and looked at my notes again. I would have to come back to my planning after spending time with Mary Jane.

Jacqueline's POV

After a long day of discussing the incident at OsCorp at work, my dad and I went home to have dinner. I was thinking about a lot of things. The secrets of OsCorp, the England opportunity, and the fact that I probably had nanobots inside my body.

We got back to the apartment, where we were welcomed by the strong scent of roast chicken. I dumped my things in my room, before rushing to the dining table to eat dinner. My parents joined me, and silence quickly filled the air as we began to eat our delicious meals.

"Dear, do you think we should tell Jacqueline?" My mum asked my dad.

"Well, we should, now that we are together as a family!"

I was confused as I looked at both of my parents, smiling at each other about something I didn't know about.

"Jacqueline, your father and I have put together some money to give you for when you move to England!" my mum said cheerily.

"Wait, are you serious?" I asked, not believing what I had been told.

"I had spoken to the modelling agency, and part of the contract didn't cover housing arrangements. So, we decided to give you some money so you can buy a house in England," my dad said.

I was happy and even more excited to move to England. I couldn't believe that my parents were being so supportive towards my career, and it made me feel proud of myself. I got myself to this point, and I wasn't turning back.

"Thank you both for doing this. I'm going to miss you when I leave," I said, becoming teary. The tears were happy tears though, not sad.

"We think it will be best for you. We can always speak online and you can always come back to visit. But we think that this will help to forget about the pain of losing John," my mum said, giving me a hug.

I looked over my mum's shoulder at my dad, who smiled and winked at me. Once my mum had pulled away from our embrace, I went into my room to think about my future. I stood in the middle of my bedroom and thought about how different life would be for me. I would be surrounded by people who have a different accent, and have a different way of life. I would be free from drama in New York and my life could be somewhat normal again. I had so many memories of New York City, but some of them were worth forgetting.

I sat down on my bed, facing the balcony windows. I remembered Peter walking in through the window to tell me the one thing he was too scared to tell anyone, after losing Gwen. He liked me, and I rejected him. Now he was making a mistake by dating Mary Jane, because he believed it would help to forget the pain of losing Gwen. I should have said yes to him, but my brain said no. That was the only regret I couldn't forget. That was the thing that I wouldn't be able to get over before moving to England.

Because he was with Mary Jane, I had no choice but to move on by moving to England.

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