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Being high on drugs would be the only solution in Celeste's mind for her to be in the same room as her father and best friend. There's no chance this could be real, Renee would never allow for this to happen. She was too bad and used the house phone which was one of the rules that she had drilled into her head to follow since the day they left Folks.

"Celeste?" Charlie questions in concern after blurting out about Jake's new hair style she started to zone out.


"Are you alright little moon?" Jacob spoke up, he didn't expect her first words to be about his hair.

Celeste furrows her eyebrows in frustration at the nickname. Only one person called her that but she was still in denial that they were actually here. In the same room as her and talking to her.

"I'm crazy" She mumbles trying to pull her hands up to her head to rub her sore temples. Only to stop when she sees the iv drip attached to her hand. "Oh. That's bad." Whenever Renee's punishments were seriously bad. A private doctor would come by the house and attach an Iv drip to her.

Charlie sadly smiles at his daughter and nods his head "Yeah, sweetheart you were hurt really badly"

Celeste's eyes widen at the famillar voice of her father "Their talking. I seriously have gone insane."

Jake chuckles "Little moon you haven't gone insane."

"How do you know that name? Only Mr wolf knows that name." Celeste tries to glare at the look-alike of her best friend.

Jake titls his head "Because it's your Mr wolf." He points to Charlie "Your dad is here too."

Celeste shakes her head "Nope. Your wrong. They don't want me. I ruined everything. Renee wouldn't let them see either." Both Charlie and Jake frown at her words 'they don't want me'.

Charlie clears his throat gaining his daughter's attention "Darling what are you talking about? Of course, we want you. Who told you that."

Celeste glances between both men in the seats "You both did."


"If I was good I was allowed a reward, I was allowed to write to both of you. But...but you never wrote me back and Renee told me you didn't want me." Celeste explains fiddling with her fingers in her lap.

Charlie and Jacob were horrified, they had no idea about any letters but it really didn't take long to figure out what had actually happened.


Processing her words Jake decided to ask her a question "Little moon what did you mean if you were good?"

Celeste gulps if her best friend lookalike was actually her Mr wolf and her dad, they might hate her when they find out how bad of a person she was. Charlie saw the fear in her eyes and couldn't believe how Renee would do this to Celeste.

"Don't worry, we won't leave you."

Celeste nibbles on her bottom lip not sure if she should tell the two men with her. It was very annoying they look so similar, but she didn't want the last piece of hope she had left to be crushed when Renee and Phil come through the door and laugh at her for thinking she was finally free.

Jake saw her debating the options in her mind and slowly not to startles her holds out his little finger in front of her. "If you still unsure that I'm your Mr wolf, how about this? Do you remember what we use to do?"

Celeste slowly nods her head carefully linking her little finger to his before they both kiss their thumbs which sealed the promise. It did help the young girl a little, but she was still weary about the pair.

"So little moon. Can you tell me what you mean by where you were good? If it's too uncomfortable then don't worry, we won't be mad." Jake wanted to make sure she knew she was in control of what was happening.

Celeste sighs looking down at her lap, she didn't like thinking of what she did for everything to fall apart. She understood why she was blamed for it, and understood why she was punished by Renee and Phill. At first, she didn't get why her mom was so mad at her until the rules were made and her first one was always to remember that it was her fault.

If she just didn't get sick that day.

"My fault" Celeste mumbled avoiding eye contact with the men even though they hate her she loved them with everything she had left.

"What was that Cel?" Charlie asks softly, he could tell how much she didn't want to talk about this. He would stop the conversation once it got too much for her. As long as she was happy and healing that's all that mattered.

"Why we left."

Charlie's expression turns to confused "Left? Left where?"

"Here. It was my fault Renee left that night with me and...." Celeste trails off not wanting to say her name or the word 'sister' because she didn't deserve that title, she was just as cruel as Renee maybe even worse. Celeste would never be able to forget her laughter as she watched her receive her punishments.

Jake was shaking, he was so mad wanting to rip out Renee's throat and claw her to death, he could see how she truly thinks it was her fault they left but everyone in the town knew that Renee had a mind of her own and once she didn't like something and wanted something different she would find a way to get what she wanted.

The only reason he wasn't shifting right now was because he knew how frightened his imprint was already. She doesn't even think that they were with her right now, which made him even more mad. It wasn't fair that she had to go through this and yet she hasn't even told them anything about her time with Renee's.

Charlie stands up from his seat and walks closer to the hospital bed "Can I sit here? is that okay?"

Celeste slowly nods her head in response, tensing as he sat down. "Can I hold your hand?" He wanted her to make the decision so she wasn't scared even more when he did anything.

Another nod was Celeste's response. Charlie gently puts his hand over the top of hers "Celeste I promise you. You were not at fault. You were five."

Celeste frowns "But I did. I got sick. I saw her with the other man"

My Protectors : Celeste SwanWhere stories live. Discover now