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As the Cullen family and Celeste eventually made in back into the house before the rain started to come down

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As the Cullen family and Celeste eventually made in back into the house before the rain started to come down. Everybody could see how Celeste was curling into Jaspers side, tightening her grab onto his hand. Jasper didn't want to use his abilities to much, as she had every right to feel scared and nervous being around a group of strangers. She had only known Carlisle for a few days as well.

So only using little flickers of calmness just to make her panic ease enough so she wouldn't start to hyperventilate. Jasper sat down on one of the couches with the rest of the family sitting on the one opposite them.

Jasper could feel strong emotions coming from Rosalie and Emmett whose' eyes were filled with tears which would never fall. It was an odd reaction from both of them, to see Rosalie so vulnerable and raw and Emmett who hasn't made a single sarcastic comment or joke yet.

Looking between the two and seeing their complete attention on the girl who was nearly in his lap. That's when he realized what their connection to Celeste was. He was thrilled for the couple who only ever had one dream in mind and now with his little sister. Their dream was becoming real.

A family.

Squeezing Celeste's non-injured hand to remind her that he was still there and would always be there for her, every step she would take.

"Would you like me to introduce you to everyone?" He asks making sure she knew it was up to her what would happen next.


Jasper gives her a proud smile before looking at his adopted parents "You already know Carlisle, this is Esme his wife, our mother."

Both Esme and Carlisle wave toward her "Hello sweetheart, it's nice to meet you." Celeste gives them both a small smile their way in response.

Jasper turns to his sibings "This is Edward, the one who gave me the file. Next to him is my girlfriend Alice."

Edward also waves with a small hello, but Alice only nodded her head in acknowledgment with a frown on her face.

He was a little confused by his wife's behavior since she was always in an excited or happy mood. But since Celeste had returned, she had been unusually quiet and frustrated for some reason she wouldn't tell him.

Jasper then turns to the last of his siblings "This is Rosalie and Emmett."

Celeste looks at the two who were the closest to her and tilts her head, observing them. Again, the same feeling came back just like what happened with Jasper. They weren't as strong as Jake's but more like what she felt with her dad before she left.

"Rosie" Celeste mumbles looking at Jasper "Would that be, okay?" she whispers.

"Why don't we ask her?" He whispers back, he already knew everyone had heard their conversation with their vampire abilities but obviously had to act like they couldn't hear anything.

"Are you sure?" Celeste says a little scared she would reject the name.

Jasper hums looking back up at Rosalie "Rose? Celeste would like to give you a nickname."

Rosalie and Emmett grabs each other's hands, finally able to be involved in the conversation with their soul-daughter.

"Of course, I love to hear it." She swallows down the lump in her throat.

Celeste eyes slightly widen at the hopefulness in Rosalie's tone. "Really?" she had to make sure this wasn't another test.

Emmet nods his head "I would love to hear it as well, maybe you could think of one for me too?"

Jasper could feel all how Celeste's excitement grew as she talk to Rosalie and Emmet, it was a memorable moment to see how happy his sister was just by wanting to give somebody a nickname.

Celeste looks between them both making sure they were being honest making Edward sadly sighs which went unnoticed by Celeste. But everyone else did and look towards him in confusion making him mouth 'later' to them all.

"Rosie?" Celeste says hesitantly with hints of excitement, Making Rosalie beam with a bright smile "I love it, thank you."

Celeste's smile grew after the positive reaction from Rosalie, turning to Emmett she purses her lips together still a little scared in case he becomes offended.

"Emmy bear?" Celeste says after a moment, she sighs in relief as Emmett's smile turns to a grin "Like a teddy bear huh?" He teases making her go bright red.


"Now that everyone is introduced is it all right for Carlisle to check your stitches? We don't want them to get infected, do we?" Jasper says gently at Celeste.

Celeste became silent at his words, she wasn't really scared of Carlisle since he helped her at the hospital but there was a small part of her that was full a doubt and his full intentions. She kind of wanted to ask if Rosie and Emmy bear could be there with her and Jazzy but didn't want to hurt the other's feelings.

Edward didn't like how easy it was for her thoughts to become so negative, he couldn't fully out himself that he could read her thoughts, but he had to do something to distract her from her own dark thoughts.

"Would you like someone to be with you?" He softly asks her, he might not have a soul-bond connection to her like the others but he still felt protective of her.

Celeste looks up at Jasper "Cowboy?" She mutters holding his hand tighter "Would they want to come?" she didn't say any name or specific whom yet he understood who she was talking about.

"Cowboy?" He questions her cheekily "I like it darling, and yes they would be very happy if you asked them." He replies.

Biting her lip, she looks down at her lap staring at her hand with the cast and whispers "Roise and Emmy bear."  She didn't look up to scared to incase they had a disgusting or annoyed expression of their face.

Jasper leans downs to her ear "Look up."

Doing as he says, Celeste sees both Rosalie and Emmett looking at her with love and adoration in their eyes.

"If you want us there, we will be there." Emmett declares "Are we okay to sit next to you?" he asks.

Quicky nodding her head she couldn't help the tears dripping down her face. As the couple sat down on the other side of their soul-daughter. Keeping her hand in Jasper's she leans her head on Emmett shoulder.

"Is this to much? Are you hurt?" Rosalie says after noticing her tears.

Celeste shakes her head with a smile "Happy tears."

"You sat next to me." She explains "Jacob and Dad did at the hospital, but in Florida, nobody wanted too."

"You live in Forks now Celeste, things will be different here." Emmett states running his fingers through her hair.

"A good different?" She hopes her eyes slowly closing in tiredness.

"A good different," Jasper concludes.


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