Chapter 2

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Arha POV

After dropping the second batch at the junior block, I rushed to the lobby, grabbed my backpack and hurried up the stairs onto the 1st floor. My new classroom is situated just beside the stairs to the left side. I already know the alignment of every class, because Jim - responsible for branding every classroom's new nameplate had sent me the layout at my request during the summer break.

There it was - Class 10, written boldly in black strokes across a dried, varnished bark hanging across the door's upper frame. The class was empty except for a counted number of chairs and desks, scattered around calling for me to arrange them. Our class has no new comers for this year as most students prefer to continue in the same school for Grade 10 Boards for better preparations. With just 6 girls and 10 boys, it is only 16 of us in the entire class. Although I would have loved to arrange the desks in some weird patterns, I stuck to the boring 4 by 4, and by the time I finished 2 rows, I saw the first other person enter our classroom that day - Zaylen.

I gave him a dramatic bow, wishing a good morning in a sing-song. It isn't unusual that he is here this early. His home is just a few minutes walk and my best guess is that he's early to meet his boys. Wanting to make the room a bit lively, I state the obvious - "No one's here yet." He simply nods and if my eyes didn't betray me, I saw a smile creep across his face which, before I could decipher, was hidden by him bending down to select his locker. "How was your summer break ?" I try again, continuing on to the third row. "Football practices every evening and cooking lessons from mom every morning. Other than a football match at the Snapdragon Field last week, nothing worth telling."

I was a bit surprised, not because he was learning cooking. I always knew aunty wanted to raise her sons to become the greenest forests on earth. But that was the longest I've ever heard him speak! Other than the boys, Zaylen Nightdew isn't known to be talkative. He seems to save all energy he needs to spend on talking, and use them on sports instead. Although I speak with numerous people daily, this one line gave me sense of achievement as in nothing else. Not wanting to interrupt this unusually inviting behaviour of him, I dare take another step, " How is Xavy ? I really wanted to visit him and Aunty over the break, but..." I trailed off, hoping he would continue the convo.

Psychologically, people hate leaving sentences unfinished. Like if we both are in a room, I sing a song we both know and suddenly stop midway, you are more prone to continue the lyrics till and when you feel satisfied enough to stop.

New talent unlocked - Arha knows a bit of psychology too. Or rather an intuitive feel.

And it worked! "He's doing great. Xav's missing you too, and I must say I'm staring to feel jealous." Did he just say JEALOUS? Well, when it comes to his brother, it doesn't account to a fair play. The best expressions his face can ever give, comes out if and only if he is  around his little brother Xavier. Despite all big boy habits Zaylen has around everyone else, he is careful of being the best elder brother, the protector of Xav. I must say this - I admire him for this character. Being close to kids, I respect other people who treat and understand kids the way I do. No matter how bad of a day, he manages to smile everyday evening when he goes to junior block to pick Xavy up.

I was disturbed from my daydream as I sense his scent, a sharp cinnamon underlayed by an earthy fragrance of autumn, get closer. Wait, I smell something sweeter too, did he change his perfume ? I wake up, to see him standing across the desk  I was holding. He raises his left eyebrow, " Arha ? Strawberries." Strawberries, what strawberries ? I look down to realise he was holding out a bag, which I immediately recognise : Strawberries from his grandma's! They are the sweetest ones I've ever tasted and Aunty always remembers to send me some everytime.

I grab them from Zaylen's hand, unknowingly jumping out of excitement. According to the bag's weight, these will last me a good 4 or 5 days. I rummage through the already full bag, managing to find a big one. I pick one that is looking the glossiest and tastiest shade of red. Holding it up against the window, I felt satisfied at my pick. I bite half of it, the juiciness threating to spill out of my mouth, I relish the taste as the seeds crunch between my teeth. Safely sending the beauty entirely into my stomach, I proceed towards my school bag to let the rest sleep till the evening.

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