Chapter 7

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Arha POV

It was soon lunch time.

I rushed towards the Senior staff room in our floor, just in time to find Punitha mam coming out for lunch. I tell her about the upcoming event, and she agrees to go through the agenda and help us prepare a few speeches and skits based on the topic. Thanking her, I then go to the office, located in the ground floor just after the lobby. The office is deserted except for our computer sir, Mr.Venth and PE Coach.

"Ji, is the printer ready yet?" I ask him, popping my head against the door frame. I call him Ji, because he fancies himself for a pretty good Hindi teacher when everything he only knows is a few words. And he, inturn calls me any weird name that comes to his mind.

"Not yet, Little Hamster" he replies. Now, Hamster is one of the many names he uses often.

I simply give him a thumbs up and turn to go when the Coach calls me. Oh, yes. We were supposed to meet to discuss something.

I walk into the office, and nod at the Coach. " We are conducting the investiture ceremony for our School's Student council on the 7th of next month. You and Zaylen from your class are a part of the core council and are required to meet the teachers tomorrow evening. So, remember to drag that brat along tomorrow. Meet us by the last period at the canteen block. Alrighty ?"

"Rest assured, Coach. We'll be there," I smile at him.

I then exit the office, reach the classroom and let the girl_moms feed me my lunch for the day. Halfway through the lunch, "I'm joining the dorms", I announce. This was sudden, both for me and them, but most of my descisions are made this way - without even realising I meant them.

Its easy to get approval from my parents, They've always wanted me to experience being a dorm student.

"So, I'll most probably follow," says Asha to my surprise. My question is answered even before it surfaces, "you see, my mom wanted me to join dorms right from the start. But I'll be the only girl in the dorm expect for the teachers. Thus I was a bit unwilling," she explains.

"Oh, I never thought of that. But, yeah, we are here for each other now" I reply.

"Wait, I am in too. My mom had the same concern." exclaims Elana.

Wow - the Trio is joining the dorms!

The conversation dies as quickly as it began, as we start discussing about the notice board. When I exit the classroom after lunch, I see Zaylen walking towards the class, I take this chance to inform him about the investiture practice thing.

"Zay, a minute please ?" I say, hopping into his path. He seems to be shaken from some deep thought, "What's up, Queen?" he asks, his mind dragged back to reality.

"Well, Coach wanted us to meet him infront of the canteen block tomorrow during Games period. We seem to be nominated by the teachers for the Student Council, and this time we are a part of the Core. I guess, it's going to be about the pre-ceremony practices and informing us about our roles and stuff. "

"Oh, that's cool. Remember to pick me up," he winks.

"Definitely, Does your highness need a carriage laden with gold, drawn by sixteen black horses, driven by an expert with some dual degree in horse-cart riding?" I finish cheekily.

"As tempting as the offer seems, No. Just the presence of our Queen would be enough," he replies in a flash, unhesitant.

"Alrighty, See you then" I wiz past him, in a hurry to flag down Mrs.Ruby who was climbing down the stairs.

"Ruby mam!" I shout, as I skid to a stop infront of the staircase. She jerks a bit at the sudden noise and turns back to meet me. "Oh, what is it, Arha?"

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