Chapter 4

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Arha POV

The first day is coming to an end, and ofcourse I must meet my little angels before departing to home. All six girls climb down the stairs together, still talking about our vacation. We part ways at the lobby, and I walk towards the junior block.

In a distance, I see my mom and Zaylen's mom involved in some serious conversation by the park near the juniors block. Not wanting to interrupt, I silently make my way into the building. The kids were already lining themselves out of their classrooms. They start shouting excitedly as they see me. I visit the smaller one's classrooms first, giving them hugs and bidding them goodbyes for today. Teachers also wave me goodbye, as they are already used to my presence during their evening circles.

As they start moving out, I reach the last classroom. Which also happens to be Xavy's classroom. Before the teacher could hold him back, Xavy runs upto me, as I kneel down for a hug. Seeing him after two months, I think this little monkey's tail grew a little bigger. I carry him in my arms, as I inform the teacher that I will be dropping Xavier. She simply smiles and leads the other kids towards their buses.

Xavy wanted to show me his classroom, he points his little finger towards his class, indicating I should carry him inside.

"Xavy place" he says, showing a little red chair with a handmade lion sticker.

"Oh! That's where the little lion's den is ? Does Xavy like it ?" I ask, in a puppy voice.

He giggles in my arms laying back in my shoulder, "Go home..." He trails off, a little yawn disturbing his speech.

"Is the baby boy sleepy ? Let's go home and sleep comfy-cozy in Xavy's little bed, alright ? Here we go" I softly say, slowly moving out of the building.

I find both our mothers still in the park, they seem to have moved on to some lighter conversation. Aunty sees me first, and she waves, standing up. My mom follows her wave and a smile spreads across her face as she finds Xavy already sleeping in my arms. I slowly walk out of the building and they meet me by the tree just outside the block.

"Aww! My precious little star, I've missed you so much during the vacation. You are looking gorgeous as ever dear! " Aunty says hugging me from the side.

"You must stop pampering her like she's still a fifth grader, be careful - Xavier might wake up" my mom adds softly.

Who exactly is my parent here? My mom and Aunty Carrie met during the parent teachers meeting when Zaylen and I had been in Class 5. They immediately grew comfortable with each other, and it's only become deeper over the years. Infact, all our parents are so close, that everyone arrives an hour earlier than the Parents Teachers meeting time - They sit around in the park or the lobby and enjoy their time. Mothers share newly tried food recipies, home-made delicacies and gossips, When the father's go on and on about current news, buisness and agriculture.

We slowly start walking towards the main entrance. I reluctantly hand a sleeping Xavy to Aunty when we reach the fork between the main entrance and the road to their home. My mom and I walk back to the parking lot, get in the car and drive back home in silence.

"Aunt Carrie plans on letting Zay join the dorm for his preparations." My mom says out of the blue when we reach our home.

"Oh, that's...........weird. Given that, Zaylen never wanted to join dorm anyways, and he can stay back for studies till evening if he wants. Is Aunty already tired of her first son? " I chuckle.

"She's worried a bit about his.......state of mind. Back at school, she was telling me about how he was very gloomy and uninterested in any activity throughout the entire vacation. He didn't want to leave home, except for some football match. She seemed a bit anxious, she thinks letting him join the dorm might bring him a change of mind in a new environment." My mom states.

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