There's No Way I Can Get Over Her (part 1)

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It was a chilly fall night. I was going back from Vicky's place, walking fast to make it to the metro before the last train. The leaves were a lovely shade of red and the fallen ones a crispy brown. I liked how they crunched with every step I took, bringing an upbeat rhythm to my pace as I speed walked through the streets. The cold wind was blowing in my hair and bringing tears to my eyes.

I wiped the tears as I entered the subway station, eyes closed to prevent the underground wind from making me shed more. As I was blindly walking around the corner, I felt two hands on my arms.

«Careful where you're walking! »

It was a familiar voice. One that I long to hear everyday, from the early morning walks to school to the late afternoon math tutoring sessions.

« Oliver? » I asked as I looked up, eyes still cloudy from the wind.

« Sara? Are you ok? »

« Yeah. The wind is just very strong tonight. Where are you going this late? »

« I'm sleeping at mom's for the weekend. I have a rehearsal tomorrow morning at my old school for Battle of the Bands. We found the perfect song and we still have a lot to practice before the contest next week. »

A feminine voice suddenly made its way to the speakers.

« Attention please. The last train going north will leave in 2 minutes. »

« That's my train! I got to go! Text me for our next tutoring session and have a good practice! »

I sprinted to the platform, hiding my blush the best I could, still feeling his touch on my arms and his gaze on me. I put my hands where his laid just minutes ago, hugging my arms to my heart space, and stared at the other side of the platform as I thought of the blond boy.

I liked the way his eyes lit up when he talked about music. He wasn't really good with words but he could express himself through music in a way that could move the strongest mountains, calm the stormiest seas and appease the most broken of hearts. It was kinda ironic because the music that made me fall deeper in love with him made me realise I couldn't have him. He was writing love songs for Battle of the Bands and I was lucky enough to hear a sample of his compositions. I wonder who he was thinking of when he wrote them... Was it Skyler? They definitely had a lot of chemistry last time I saw them perform. I could still see the way they were looking at each other, the way he was leaning towards her, the way she was touching his face with her hand... I shook my head trying to get rid of this image. I didn't need to be any more broken-hearted.

I put my earbuds in and played anything that wasn't love related until I reached my appartement. I looked at the door behind me, the one leading to the Yangs appartement, let out a heavy sigh and opened my door. I said a quick hello to my dad who was sitting on the couch and headed straight to my bedroom, dropped on my bed, closed my eyes and prayed to stop thinking about the only boy who can build me up and shatter me simultaneously. Tears started to roll on my cheeks, drifting my already tired body into a heavy sleep.

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