There's No Way I Can Get Over Her (part 6)

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Just as I thought the week couldn't get any worse, the universe decided to kick me while I was on the floor. I managed to calm down a bit and stopped crying. Not that I had any tears left to cry anyway. It has been, what, an hour or so since I left the event, and I still had a lot in me that I needed to let out. I needed to write. I felt like it was the only thing that could help me at the moment. I grabbed a pen and my notebook and as I placed the tip of my pen on the paper, a light knock on the door stopped me in my tracks.


I jumped from my seat. Oliver?? What was he doing here? Shouldn't he be with his band? With Sky? Is the event already over? I looked at my phone and my eyes widened. 150 unread messages and 22 missed calls! As I was going to venture into the mountain of texts, another knock, this time louder, was heard.

"Sara, please tell me you're here and well!"

My feet walked me to the door without me noticing. I stopped, turned my back to it and leaned against it.

"Please leave."

"What's going on? Are you ok?"

I couldn't hold back anymore and, on impulse, I opened the door and yelled at him.

"No I am not ok! This week was horrible and I honestly can't understand how I thought tonight would make it any better! I was so happy to see you but-"

I stopped right there. There was no way I could say the rest of the sentence without confessing to him. I felt so overwhelmed I let out a sob. It would be selfish to confess to him when he just confessed to Sky. Oliver took me in his arms tightly. He was warm, his embrace enveloping me with softness and care. In the moment, it felt like all my worries could fly away. I could stay that way forever.

"If you want to talk about it, I'll be here to listen. If you don't want to talk about it, then, at least, let me try to make your day better. We could go for a walk. There's a small fire pit in the park nearby and we can get hot cocoa on the way."

Why is he so nice??? You're not helping me get over you, Oliver!! But I didn't want to make him worry more than I already did this evening and his embrace made me feel a bit better, so I accepted his offer. I grabbed a heavier coat and my scarf and we headed for the exit. We stopped at a small café nearby to get pumpkin spice hot cocoa and we walked towards the park. We sat down on a wooden log shaped seat in front of the fire pit. I sipped on my hot cocoa. It was nice and warm. We haven't said a word since we left the building except to order our beverages. I didn't know what to say that wouldn't expose me. I didn't have time to think about it because Oliver was the first to break the silence.

"You said you were happy to see me "but-"... What happened that changed that? Did I do something wrong?"

Maybe it was the hot cocoa, the fire, him being so close to me, him caring about me or all of the above, but words just slipped without me having any control over them.

"It's just that... There was a song that reminded me of how we can't always get what we want. And how it is difficult for our hearts to heal after being rejected by the one we love."

Oliver was visibly very confused by what I said.

"Which song are you talking about?"


He grew even more confused, but this confusion quickly turned into concern and sadness.

"Is... is this about Joe? I thought you got over him. I'm sorry I went through with the song without making sure you had no remaining feelings for him."

"It's not about Joe. Oliver I-."

I took a deep breath. I didn't care anymore. I owed him the truth. He cared enough about me to leave Sky behind and come check on me. I had to tell him. It was the least I could do.

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