Love Corner

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The winter semester just started. All the students were wishing each other the best for the new year and the janitor was removing the christmas decorations from the walls to make place for Valentine's day decorations. This year, my resolution is targeted towards my passion: I wanted to write more about things I like. I'm mostly counting on the NewsPaper Club for that. Although, Rose will probably ask us to write a special article for Valentine's day or something like that. She did the same thing with Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I am expecting her to pull the holiday theme card again. I wouldn't mind writing on the subject of love. I'm in no way an expert, but I've had a heartbreak or two in my life and it definitely counts as experience if you ask me. Anyways. We'll see what will happen at the NPC meeting after class.

"Happy New Year, Sara!"

Tammy, Joe and Patrick greeted me as I entered the classroom.

"Happy New Year, guys! Hope you had a restful vacation."

Patrick shrugged, "Meh. It was ight. A lot of family events so it was pretty tiring. Definitely not ready for another semester."

"Tell me about it. I'm not ready for the workload, and with the NPC, I'm going to be even busier UGH."

Joe chimed in on the conversation, "Do you think Rose will ask us to write something special for Valentine's too?"

"I'm 99,9% sure she will." I then turned to face the board and looked at Joe from the corner of my eye, with a slight blush on my cheeks. "I hope we can team up again. I liked working with you on the grade improvement paper."

Joe's face lit up, "Yes it'd be fun!"

The school bell announcing the start of classes rang. I can't believe we are starting the New Years with maths. MATHS. Isn't there a belief that starting the year with a math class can curse your whole year? Cause if that's the case, we're looking at another 2020 and I'm not ready for that. I still tried to focus because I didn't want to get yelled at by Oliver again.


The second I stepped foot in the NPC room, I was savagely kidnapped by Rose who had an evil grin on her face.

"Sara Lin. I have a special mission for you."

"Oh God what is it this time."

"For Valentine's week, we're going to have a Love Corner section and I want you to take care of it."

"Why me?? I thought I was going to write a special article or something! Not manage a column where I just copy and paste letters!"

"You get to be creative with the font. And you won't be alone."

As on cue, Oliver enters the room and Rose points at him without missing a beat. "I'm pairing you with Oliver!'


Rose put her hands on her ears as she walked away, "I can't hear youuuu!"

I visibly couldn't escape my fate. I didn't want to manage love letters! Let alone with Oliver! I wanted to write something. I looked at the ceiling, sure at 1000% that it was the math class that cursed me. I suddenly felt something slither to my right.

"What was she talking about? What are we paired for?"

*Sigh* "The love letter column, Oliver. We have to take care of it. I thought I would have the chance to showcase my creativity this semester."

Oliver patted me on the shoulder. "It's only for Valentine's week, it's fine. And you get to choose the font."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. I didn't know you changed your vocation from math nerd to comedian."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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