There's No Way I Can Get Over Her (part 2)

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Whoever invented Mondays should be tried for crime against humanity. I could barely open my eyes this morning and didn't want to get out of bed... Couldn't I just sleep through the week? If only I didn't have an exam, an article and like 2 billion projects due this week. I got up, had some cereal, brushed my teeth, dressed up and dashed to school. Oliver went early to practice in the music room since he doesn't have a guitar at home. It felt weird not to walk with him to school, and it's going to be this way for the whole week. Great. Amazing.

As I stepped outside the building, a thunder rang strong and rain started to pour. I was running late and there was no way I could go back home to look for my umbrella so I decided to make a run for it, covered by a beanie and my scarf. As I was making my way to school, a speeding car passed beside me in a puddle and splashed me. Great. Amazing. Why not? I'm already wet so it will be easier to hide my tears UGH! I barely managed to get through the school day. I got home and started to work on an article for the NewsPaper Club: New semester, who dis. I needed to interview students on their first days and write all about it. I wonder if Oliver would let me interview him... Gives me a reason to see him... No. He's super busy I can't.

The next few days went by so slowly, yet I was so busy with assignments and studying. I still have my math exam tomorrow and then, weekend! It was a hell of a week and I couldn't wait for it to be over! I opened my math books and sighed. You know who enjoys this kind of bullshit? Oliver. He helped me so much with that chapter that I felt like I could do my exam with my eyes closed. Should I call him for help? He wouldn't say no... No! He's busy! And probably tired from school and band! The contest is on saturday night. I can hold up till then! I started studying, shifting my attention from time to time to doodle little hearts in the corner of my paper and going back to studying. If Oliver was here, he wouldn't let me draw this much on my homework sheet. I don't think that it's healthy to think about someone that much and let it affect your whole life like this. What happened to the strong independent woman who needed no man? The one who decided to focus on her studies instead of boys? Sure it helped me get my grades up but you can't leave love behind forever. At least not when it's yelling your name from right across the hall. I stared at my paper covered with hearts. Where did these come from? When did I manage to draw all these?? I decided to close my books and head to bed. There was no way I could focus tonight. I could feel the weight of the week on my chest, leading me more and more towards the edge of tears. I can't wait for this week to be over!

Friday, exam day. I felt ready for the test thanks to all that studying with Oliver. I'm glad I chose to rest yesterday so I could attack the exam up front.
After the exam, I went to my locker to drop some books and was greeted by Lulu handing me a light pink candle with pieces of rose quartz inside. I looked at her, confused. Was it my birthday? Was I so out of it this week that I forgot the date?

"Sara Lin. Your heavy heart is bothering my energy. I can't concentrate with this dreadful aura hovering above you so here's a love candle. I made it especially to heal broken hearts. Or to cause them. I'm not sure. I haven't studied all the quartz yet. Anyway. And, if you listen closely, you can still hear the soul of the dead people I stole the quartz from."


"May the universe grant you peace of heart. And, before I go, whatever you're thinking, he's thinking the same. See you on the other side, Sara Lin." she said before vanishing into thin air.


I looked at the candle. It was really pretty. Pink and white marbley wax with dried rose petals and pieces of rose quartz. Well. If that can't bring me my man, maybe it can bring me some joy. It did smell good tho. Floral and sweet with a hint of vanilla. I will definitely light it up once I get home to end that stupid week.

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