· part 3.1 - dyno ·

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sylvia: "be careful now."
sylvia: "someone here is possessed by an owl."
dyno: "w h o"
sylvia: "that's the thing we dont kn-"
sylvia: "h m"


dyno: "hey do you have any bags"
sylvia: "the only bags i have are the bags under my eyes and they are designed to hold the burden of my existence"
dyno: "you could've just said no"


sylvia: "here you go, a nice warm cup of coffee"
dyno: "its cold"
sylvia: "a nice cup of coffee"
dyno: "holy cow this tastes gross"
sylvia: "a cup of coffee"
dyno: "honestly i dont even know if this is coffee"
sylvia: "cup"


dyno, T-posing in hallway: "good morning parental figure"
sylvia, sipping on 5th cup of coffee: "good morning problem child"


dyno: "i wasnt that high last night"
sylvia: "you forgot what milk was and called it cereal water"


dyno: "thank you for listening to my dyno talk"
sylvia: "for the last time they dont name it differently for each person"
dyno: "well why should ted get all the talks"


sylvia: "i'd rather die"
dyno: "... than?"
sylvia: "that's it"


sylvia: "name a more iconic duo than my fear of loneliness and my instinct to self-isolate, i'll wait"
dyno: "me and you"
sylvia, tearing up: "you win"


sylvia: "can you explain the announcement you posted"
dyno: "it was an important update"
sylvia: "it just says 'i'm back on my bullshit'"
dyno: "i thought y'all needed to know"


dyno version - check
next up: kat

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dyno - gucciavocado78

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