· part 1 ·

43 3 10

(because at the time of writing only these ppl confirmed lol)


sylvia, walking into room: "good morning"
tatsue, looking up: "good morning"
karisu, face planting: "y'all sound so dead liven up a bit"
dyno, bursting through the door: "gOOD MORNING BITCHES"


karisu: "aight let's start working"
karisu: "what did y'all get for question 12"
tatsue: "i got 18"
sylvia: "what- i got 9.5"
sylvia: "well how bout you dyno"
dyno: "so i got abraham lincoln and uh-"


tatsue: "if you think about it in the shower you're not over it"
sylvia: "well apparently im not over the burning of the library in alexandria"
dyno: "is anyone over that"
karisu: "they shouldn't be"


dyno: "and here we have a capitalist"
tatsue: "did you just-"
sylvia: "let us all take a moment to appreciate that all of human history and human language AND the universe itself has aligned to make this joke possible"


karisu: "what happens to nitrogen when its daytime"
tatsue: "it becomes daytrogen"
karisu: "... im going to bed"
tatsue: "good nitrogen"
dyno: "sleep tightrogen"
sylvia: "dont let the bugs bitrogen"
karisu: "i sWEAR TO GOD-"

|next morning|

tatsue: "you are now one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos"
karisu: "this is the most hopeful thing i've ever read"
sylvia: "what if i die tomorrow and never get to eat any nachos"
dyno: "then tomorrow is nacho lucky day"
tatsue: "o h   m y   g o d"

= edit =
dyno insisted so here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
previous meme: gucciavocado78


so yeah hope you liked it
cya next time i go on crack ig-

here de tags, following them would be much appreciated
gucciavocado78 _applep1_ kalistakay123

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