· part 3.3 - tatsue ·

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sylvia: "isn't it weird that we pay money to see other human beings"
tatsue: "are you talking about the movies, the circus or airplane tickets"
sylvia: "glasses"


sylvia: "why are you on the table"
tatsue: "i hope you know that this is my house and i can stand wherever i want thank you very much"
sylvia: "where's the spider"
tatsue, crying: "under my bed"


sylvia: "she died of natural causes"
tatsue: "you pushed her off a roof"
sylvia: "gravity is natural"


sylvia: "don't worry you have everything you need to beat your opponents"
tatsue: "the power of believing in myself right"
sylvia: "no, a knife"
sylvia: "s t a b   t h e m"


sylvia: "hey did you try out the song i recommended"
tatsue: "yes it's good music to eat potatoes to"
sylvia: "w h a t."


tatsue: "now that i've explained my story plot to you for the 3rd time do you understand"
sylvia, voice cracking: "y-yes"
tatsue: "are you lying to me"
sylvia, on the verge of tears: "y-yes"


sylvia: "i failed my safety course today"
tatsue: "what happened"
sylvia: "one of the questions were 'in the case of a fire what steps will you take'"
tatsue: "... go on"
sylvia: "apparently 'fricken big ones' isn't an acceptable answer"
tatsue: *s i g h*


tatsue: "i'm good at quick math"
sylvia: "okay then what's 134 times 26"
tatsue: "230"
sylvia: "that's not even close"
tatsue: "no, but it was quick"


sylvia: "my mind is like an internet browser"
tatsue: "explain"
sylvia: "15 tabs are running, 7 are frozen, 1 is glitching and i have no idea where that music is coming from"


tatsue: "you didn't have to stab the guy right"
sylvia: "but you didn't hear what he said"
tatsue: "well what did he say"
sylvia: "he said 'what are you gonna do, stab me'"
tatsue: "that's fair"


tatsue version - check
next up: karisu

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