Chapter 4: part 2

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Shinikaru Yūutsu p.o.v.

"Sorry for dragging you out here on your day off." Yukinoshita apologizes to Komachi. "Yeah, sorry about this Koma... Eh?" Wait, I thought it was going to be me and Yukinoshita?

"It's okay, I wanted to buy a present for Yui-chan too" Komachi tells me and Yukinoshita with an wink. I sigh at Komachi's jovial behaviour, how can this girl be so cheerful all the time?

"Okay, let's be efficient about this." Hikigaya says pointing in a direction. "I'll go this way." Yukinoshita pointed in another direction. "Then me and Shinikaru-kun will go this way."

I started to point in another direction for the efficiency until Komachi stopped me by pulling my finger back. "Hold it!" She yells, gripping my finger as if she were a boa constrictor.

"Since we're all here, why don't go together? That'll give us the advantage of being able to share advice." She explains with cute smile. I didn't say anything as I yank my finger away from her grip.

Cradling my finger and observing it closely, I express my grief. "Komachi-chan, that hurt." Komachi ignored my cries. "Cheer up, we'll pick up an ice pack for you later." Oh yeah? But that doesn't help my finger now!

"If we look for Yuigahama's present together, we won't make it to every store." Yukinoshita points out. Komachi nods and turns back to the map.

"Don't worry, my judgment tells me that based on Yui-chan's tastes..." She says examining the map. "As long as we hit this spot, we'll have no problem." Komachi finishes while pointing at an area of the map.

The group starts to head in a direction while I stood back and massage my sore finger. "Little devil." I whisper with a hiss.

Catching up with the group, I find myself in the area that Komachi pointed out earlier. Which is filled with tons of shops most girls like, I should know... my sister makes me go with her shopping.

"Gotta say Komachi, you really know your stuff." I compliment. Komachi turns around and gives me a small smile. "Thanks Yūutsu-kun." She spins around to continue walking forward.

It took a while, but I eventually found something that Yuigahama would like. That being a little phone charm with a little dog on it. The other two on the other hand... "How about this?"/ "Your tastes are as bad as your eyes." ...can't seem to agree on anything.

"Come on guys. It cannot be this hard to find a present for a friend." I finally say to Hikigaya and Yukinoshita after a few minutes of their bickering. "Even Komachi is finished and has left.... Hold on, where did Komachi go?"

Hikigaya and Yukinoshita cease their argument to look around as well. After a couple glances, we see no sign of the middle schooler, so Hikigaya gets nervous and calls her.

"Moshi Moshi?" Komachi picks up Hikigaya's call, his phone on speaker. "Komachi. Where are you?" Hikigaya asked in a worried/protective tone, a tone I have used on some occasions.

As Hikigaya and his sister talked, I just let out a loud sigh while Yukinoshita let out a small one. I glance over the area some more to see if Komachi is pulling a prank or something, but Yukinoshita's appearance catches my attention instead.

Hikigaya ends his call and turns towards us. "Oi. What's with the stupid look for." He asks, gaining Yukinoshita's attention to me as well. Thanks for calling me out dumbass.

"Well if you need to know, I was just thinking whether I should hurt you in public or private for talking to me like that." I say with intent covered in honey as they say.

"Oi, you don't have to be so hostile." Was Hikigaya's response, and Yukinoshita sighs again and rests her face in her hand
"So, what did Komachi-san say?" She asks Hikigaya with the Pan-san doll still in her hand. "Huh? Oh.... She said she needs to buy something."

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