Chapter 2

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Shinikaru Yūutsu p.o.v.

It's been a about a week since joining the service club. To say that it wasn't eventful would be correct.

The first person to request help was a third year who wanted help with making cookies.

Yukinoshita agreed to this and said something about Yuigahama's cooking.... Wonder what that's about....

The next person was a first year who wanted to confess to some one they liked.

Yuigahama agreed to help and whispered something about 'Hikki'.... Curious....

The third person was a second year who needed help finding date locations....
Why do I feel like all we have to deal with is lovey dovey crap.....

Anyway, the girls agreed to help while Hikigaya refused. He was out voted instantly.

So now it's currently sometime between morning and afternoon.... I think. I've been out of it lately.

Sitting in my seat, I look around at how the other student's interact. Oh, how they look so youthful.

Today is when everyone is making groups for 'Workplace Observation' which is a fancy way of saying.

We, the students, are to go to a big company. Stand and listen to them rant about their jobs and equipment. Then when it's all over, we leave and forget about everything we learn.

Really fun...... But what can you do...

I was contemplating what poor saps are going to get stuck with me for this trip, and how boring it's going to be.....

Oh! I never mentioned what class I'm in huh? Well for your information, I'm in class 2-J. Which is 90% female.

That also means, I'm one of the only guys in the class. There is one other, but I rarely see him come. Which is why it's 90% female.

On the bright side, I can converse with the only other person I know in the class. That being Yukinoshita of course.

But when class is over, she usually leaves the class to go do something.... Which leaves me alone in a classroom full of girls... Every perverted guys dream.....

But anyway, I go back to thinking to myself before I was approached by someone.

"Umm... Excuse me?" The nervous girl asks, gaining my attention.

I side glanced at her from my seat. Looking up, I see a girl with deep red hair, some of which, is tied into twin tails on the side of her head. She also had red eyes and big..... Either way she's a stunning person.

I look at her eyes to show she has my full attention. She is extremely nervous, fidgeting with the hem of her skirt.

"H-hi. I'm Kireina Yōkō. I was wondering if you would like to join my group for the Workplace Observation trip." She asked fidgeting with her skirt more.

I was thinking about what I should say. This is the first time I was asked anything from a girl that wasn't my sister. Which usually has me going to the store often.

But before I could complete my thinking process. My attention was then grabbed by Yukinoshita staring at me.

She notices my acknowledging her, so she lifts her finger and does a 'come here' motion.

I looked back at Kireina with an apologetic look.
"Sorry... My club president needs me right now. But I'll get back to you on that though." I quickly said getting up and walking to the door.

I could hear Kireina protest before letting it go and slowly walking back to her seat.

Giving a silent apologie, I walked out the class and closed the door before turning to look at Yukinoshita.

My unexpected involvement with the service club. (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now