Chapter 4: part 1

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(Dream) Shinikaru Yūutsu p.o.v.

It was an early morning. The sun was just starting to rise from the horizon, and little me was still in his bed.

Standing in the corner, I could see my younger self had thrown his pillow across the room and his blanket shoved into the corner.

I chuckled at my old antics before the sound of the door opening brought me from my amusement.

Turning, I see that it was little Yuki-chan walking into my room with a irritated gaze. She looks around the room until she found young me still in bed.

*Sigh* "Yūu-kun." She said while pinching her nose. She climbs onto my old bed and began shaking little me.

"Wake up Yūu-kun. It's time for school." Young me did nothing except roll onto his back and continue to sleep. Yuki-chan huffed at this and got off to leave.

As soon as she made it to the door frame, she froze

Looking at her face, I could see a faint blush. Before I could figure out why, Yuki-chan had walked over to the bed and gotten back on.

She crawled over to where the shoved blanket was, and brought it back to lay down with young me.

I was in of course. My mind jumping from thoughts to thoughts, but younger me felt what was going on, and opened his eyes to see what was happening.

"Hmm... Yuki-chan?" He asked while trying to get the sleep out of his eyes. Yuki-chan just smiled sweetly before kissing his head and telling him to go back to sleep.

(End dream)

As I woke up, I felt confused, but also... lonely. Everytime I went to sleep, it felt like there was something missing, but I could never figure it out what.

Untill now, so.... I guess.... subconsciously, I missed Yuki-chan.

But I'm a teenager now, and I can't let those thoughts invade my mind. And with that in mind, I laid in my bed trying to forget that dream.... but my sister had different plans instead.

"Onii-chan! Time to wake up!" She yelled through my door before banging on it to make sure I heard her. I sighed as I sat up and looked at my uniform.

As I got up from my bed, a part of me wondered. How was Yuki-chan these days?


I was walking to the school today because my parents had taken my car for the day. Why did they have to take my car? Don't they have their own.

I decided to banish the thoughts about the two of them and continued on my way. Up ahead, I see a familiar face which belonged to Hikigaya, who was with his little sister.

"Look Onii-chan! It's Shinikaru. Yahallo Shinikaru!" She said with a wave.

"Hey there Komachi, how are you today?" I asked with my hand raised in a wave. Komachi mistook it as a high-five, because she hit my hand with hers while her brother told her to stop.

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