Part 2

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The next morning you wake up at about 11 am so you can get ready, you finish doing your hair and make up hear a knock on the door. You go and open it and it's duke hey I got you these since it's our first time meeting I like to make a good first impression aww that's really nice oh um sorry I didn't get you anything oh it's fine i just wanted to get you them thanks again how much did this cost? Umm $15 well here's $20 keep the five oh I- uh no keep it just keep it no yes you put the money on his pocket in his hoodie I like your hoodie I have a lot of OVO as well really? That's cool so like what do you like to film most, other than thirst traps oh so you've seen them huh 😏 ofc I have I've followed you since may 19 really? Yep wow so what do you think of my thirst traps 😏 oh uh they are great 😳  ok well we can film a dance video ok sure pick a sound ok you guys finish filming and decided to eat something do you want to eat? Oh sure postmates? Sure yes I'll make ramen for me ok you finish your eating and clean up no I'll clean it's my food oh it's fine please nope you clean before he can and run to your bedroom while he's chasing after you. He accidentally hits you and falls on top of you on your bed, all you can hear is heavy breathing. I- m-maybe you should start your live y-yeah he gets off you quickly and starts the live in your office hey guys there are comments like "omg y/n" "are they dating?" "She is so lucky" "hey daddy" (LMFAO whatever) after a few minutes of waiting for people you guys start asking each other questions omg here's a good one who is your crush? I can't answer that why not why don't you say your crush because I can't see then neither of us will know 😀 next one ok what is your dream car oh mine is- wait last time I said something I wanted you bought it for me do I won't answer that I won't buy it fine a Tesla well I black one I don't like bright colours same well I have a Tesla what's your favorite color? Black same hmm when's your birthday? May 4th mine is December 12 it's coming up then yep I'll be turning 20 I just turned 18 awwww what your so young I- you are just 2 years older than me well it's cute anyways what am I doing for my birthday, probably nothing perfect why don't worry about it after a few minutes of answering questions you guys only answered one more what places do you want to go to?, first one is Mexico because I have family there second Ecuador, and Utah Ecuador and Utah huh? 😏 yep why Ecuador because you said your from Ecuador 😏 and why Utah oh because I heard here's snow there. Have you ever seen snow? No why because It doesn't snow in LA :( well maybe one day yea anyways it's kinda late yes alright guys have a nice night I love you all bye bye well at what time do you go to bed? 2am I- that's so late it's not what time do you go to huh? 11-12 pm that's so early ok well how about you try to sleep at 11-12 pm and tmr I'll sleep at 2-3 am fine well then let's go to bed fine I'll sleep on the couch no why not because I'm sleeping there no your sleeping in your bed ok it's simple we either share a bed or I sleep on the couch share a bed then ok then let's go to my room ok well since we have to quarantine for a total of around 5 weeks why 5 because if we don't then people are gonna cancel us for posting a video with us just not being safe smart ok well I'm pretty sleepy he starts to take off his shirt but then stops um do I sleep shirt less and with just boxers so like is that fine with you? Yea I sleep with a hoodie and sweatpants or leggings ok he takes off his clothes until he is almost basically naked, you try hard not to stare at his abs but not only that your eyes start to go lower and lower until they reach it (it was meant to be in normal font 😭) hm what's that your looking at😏 oh uh I- gonna go to bed shhhh no worry's darling he says with his finger on your lips. You can feel your face turn red because of what just happened so you just start to lay down while he's on top of you well it's uh pretty late isn't it yea I guess it is he turns around and covers himself in a blanket. You can't seem to sleep when he's next to you so you turn around facing his back just staring at him I can feel you staring at me he says turning around facing you. You quickly shut your eyes and pretend to sleep hmm nice try but it's too late I can see you fine you can't sleep? No he moved closer to you until you head is on his chest. You cuddle with him until you start to fall asleep.

Oh wow I wrote a lot almost 1000 words dam

Oh wow I wrote a lot almost 1000 words dam

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