Part 10

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The whole week was fun and soon it was time to leave to Utah where you would spend the Christmas with duke, you all finally get to Utah and you and duke stay in his old room wow your room is cute it's small it's ok ok so we are going to the snow so get warm clothes I've never been to the snow omg I know that's why I asked my mum is you could stay tysm you run and hug him but soon you realize kaestle is at the door love birds we are leaving in an hour you quickly get off duke and get ready is this fine?
You had a hoodie with a jacket, jeans, and boots I- well umm yea sure ok
His mum comes up to tell you guys it's time to go let's go everyone is ready and there are some stuff in the back I'm scared it's fine he hugs you and in the way there you fall asleep in his arms. After a little you hear duke calling your name omg I'm sorry for falling asleep its ok everyone left because I wanted you to sleep for a little longer since I know you didn't get much sleep on the plane thanks I'm very sorry for keeping you here it's ok now cmon we are going on a walk to these hills it's just like a 30 minute walk ok you catch up with the rest but soon get cold and start to shiver there is no way you are cold it's very cold this is nice temperature for a snowy day it's literally hot all year in LA it's never cold there here take my jacket what no look I'm not even cold anymore you try and make yourself stop shivering but your obviously still cold
Brena: is this what third wheeling feels like?
Jaxon: everyone is with their partner except for us
Duke: me and y/n are single
You: yea I'm single
Brena: sure 🙄🤚
Duke: omg your nose is red and your skin is pale
You: I'm not used to these temperatures
He pulls you into a hug and walks holding his jacket with you in it. You soon get to hills wait hold on I've always wanted to try this you take a cup and a coke can out your jacket and out snow in the cup and then the coke duke look it's coke slushy ice cream thing that's adorable I've tried that before when I was younger it's cold well duh it's snow rude we lost them oh no duke calls them and they soon meet up near this store in the mountains
His mum: omg good thing your here
Jaxon: y/n come with me I can show you some tricks I can do on the snow board 😏
Duke: or she can stay with me so she's not cold
Jaxon: or she could come with me and have fun
Duke: fine but I'm coming.
Brena: omg such simps
Duke: brena I know your not talking when you freaked out talking to josh
Brena: whatever 🙄
You both get to a small hill and Jaxon goes down ok so stand on it I'll help you so you don't fall you get on but start to slip a little here I'll help you he grabs you by the waist and goes down with you first that was fun and tricky you look back at duke and he has a face with jealousy yes here I'll show you a trick I can do you are actually exited as he goes down and does a back flip. You clap your hands as he comes back that was cool omg that is literally so easy I can do it too 🙄 ok do it I will he goes down but fails at the flip and comes back with snow in his hair duke, just a LA teen who can't use a snow board be careful with what you say because y/n is born in LA so if your trying to make friends just saying 👀 are you actually? Yep well duke got too used to it the snow in your hair looks cute duke you walk over to him and move the snow out his hair making his hair a mess let's go to the big hill you can go down there you walk with him and get on the board again. He grabs you by the waist and helps you go down and let's go so you can go in your own. It's good at first but then it starts to speed up and you can't stop it how do I stop ?!! Just stop HOW !! Dumbass she's gonna crash into the tree just stop I can't oh shit you crash into a tree and it all goes black, you wake up covered in snow and duke shaking you your up omg he hugs you tightly not letting go are you ok ?? I'm fine I think your forehead is bleeding a bit oh it's fine .you stand up and go back to the rest
His mum: omg what happened to her
Duke: Jaxon pushed her off a hill on the snow board and she crashed into a tree
Jaxon: no I didn't I was helping her but she didn't know how to stop
Duke: you knew she didn't know how to stop yet you still pushed her
His mum: ok calm down I have alcohol here and a cotton ball, imma out the bandage on her forehead after ok?
She puts alcohol on the cotton ball and dabs it on your forehead
You: omg it burns
His mum: almost done
You try not to show that it burns but you can't hide it
Duke: I know it burns but your gonna be fine :)
His mum: all done
You: omg that burned
His mum: we should all get going before it gets dark
Duke: yes
You all make it to the car and start driving, you lean on duke and fall asleep for what seems like hours. You wake up in a bed with out your wet close and duke laying next to you half naked good morning you fell asleep last night in the car ride so I took off all your wet clothes and laid you down here oh I'm sorry it's fine do you want to go back to bed it's only 7 am yea sure you cuddle with him and fall asleep

That's it for this chapter
I am FINALLY waking up early and not waking up at  3pm I went to bed at 5:30 am and woke up at 11:25 

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