Part 14

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5 people came in including Tati, Cassidy, devin, iggy, and duke wtf who invited duke, JOSH
Josh: what
You: could you tell me the exact names of the people who were invited?
He tells you and at the end of the list is duke
Josh: I thought you wanted to see him
You: that is the last person I want to see
Josh: I'm sorry why
You: yk what forget it imma go back
You go back to the kitchen where it's less noisy can we talk? I think we've said and seen enough please
Tati: imma leave you two alone
Devin: leave her alone
Duke: it's none of your business devin
He says as he pins you to the counter
Cassidy: here is your cup
Duke: just leave in on the table
You: I think your pinning the wrong person are you drunk?
Duke: no I think you are the right person
You:  I think I'm not
You said slipping under his arm
Duke: please
You: no and I'm leaving so bye I've had enough
Tati: damn duke you messed up
You left to a near by forest in the mountains, you changed in your car and sat down and just listened to music there until you heard a familiar voice calling your name Y/N where are you did you really follow me here? Yes I was worried he comes sit down with you are you ok? No what's wrong are you serious? I'm sorry he brings you into his arms and runs his fingers through your hair while his chin is on your head. You are curled cuddling with duke like you used to when you were together. After almost falling asleep you hear a car pull up, it was Tati, devin, iggy, and Cassidy tgey find you and duke sitting under a tree
Iggy: why are you guys here it's dangerous
Tati: we thought we lost you two
Devin: y/n are you ok?
Duke: she's fine
Cassidy: over protective
You: sorry for keeping you guys here imma walk around maybe find a lake and just stay there for a while Idk I'm bored🤷‍♀️ (I went to a lake in the mountains and almost fell down💀)
Duke: what no that's dangerous
You: what's the worst that could happen?
Duke: we could loose you
You: it's fine
Devin: if you want we could take a walk
Duke: I'll come with you
You: I should film a TikTok here
Tati: wtf here? No
You: I could say I'm lost, what's trending
Tati: there is no way TikTokers are this stupid to post a TikTok in the middle of the woods
You: it's not stupid think about the view omg rake it up is trending
Duke: omg I know that dance
You film it and it turns out ok
You: it's fine
You check insta gram and you and dukes argument is on TikTok room with the caption

#dukedepp and #y/n had a secret relationship and have broken up 👀 (this how their captions be 💀)
Duke: what is it
You: check tiktokroom
Duke: welp
Tati: Oop who recorded this?
You: some child we told him not to
You check your video and see many comments about TikTok room
You: wow there are some interesting comments
Duke: read them
You all sit down to read comments
You: "how big was Ecuador" should I comment that I didn't measure
Iggy: y/n wtf no
She says as she playfully pushes you
Tati: did you two do anything?
Duke: no
You: no
"We actually did" you mumble under your breath
Cassidy: I heard that 👀
You: I know your not talking when-
Devin: ok let's keep reading these comments
You: "ship", "how big is he?", "I knew it", "was it his first time?" Wow wtf are these comments why don't they ask someone else like idk w  hi o have you dated?
Duke: you, were my first time
Tati: so you just admitted to doing stuff with her
Duke: no well idk
You: why do people wanna know how big you are like what?
Duke: idk I'm an extra large tho 😏
Devin: you could never
Duke: stfu your probably a size extra small
Devin: Tati could tell you that's a lie
Tati: don't bring me in this
Duke: and y/n could tell you im saying the truth of me
You: don't bring me in this either
Duke: am I lying or is it true
You: he isn't lying
You say say covering your face
Iggy: your blushing
You: I'm not
Iggy: uncover your face then
You just peak your eyes
Iggy: all of it
You take a deep breath and stop blushing
You: see
Iggy: still a little bit
Duke winks at you making you blush again
Tati: she's blushing again
You: I'm not it's just funny
Hours passed and the sun started to rise
Cassidy: we really stayed here until sunrise
You: I kinda wanna go to Starbucks
Duke: me too
Everyone: same
Duke: WAIT it's New Years
You: it don't feel like it-
You get cut off by dukes lips on yours, you don't know what to do so you kiss back
Tati: wooo
You and duke pull back quickly blushing
You: do you still have my perfume bottle?
Tati: you took her perfume bottle ??!
Duke: m-maybe
Tati: why ?!
Duke: because it smelled like her
Tati: is that why you have a Victoria's Secret perfume in your bed
Duke: yea
You: I bought a new bottle of the same one so I can use that one and he keeps the other one for some weird reason
Duke: wanna go to Starbucks?
You: me? Or who
Duke: you
You: oh me sure yea
Tati: that's cute
You: I'll be back I wanna see something
You run into the woods and soon get to cliff and sit down with your feet dangling
Soon you heard people coming your way so you turn around and find everyone out of breath
Duke: oh wow this is pretty, and I'm not talking about the mountains and sunrise😏
Tati: dukes on something today
You: I found this place like 2 years ago and look there's a lake under and there's this secret water fall I found 1 year ago I might go there again this week end
Tati: can we come?
You: sure it's only an 2 hour drive and a 1 hour walk
Iggy: that's too much
You: it's not that bad
Duke: I'm pretty sure it's worth it
You: the sunrise and sunset there are literally perfect I camped there once and made it seem like I just got there early once people started coming
Duke: we should camp there
Devin: yes a little camping trip
Cassidy: we should go there today
Iggy: my schedule for this whole week is clear actually
Everyone: same
Me: I mean we just need to pack for like one day
Everyone meets up in a near by star bucks

That's it

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