Part 12

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The next morning you, duke, and brena left at the airport and landed safely in LAX at around 12pm omg LA is so pretty yea now we have to get an Uber you got an Uber and left a $10 tip, you all came to your apartment and left your stuff there and headed to bel air to the Sway house (thought I might add a little sPiCe by adding TikTokers). You knocked and bryce opened
Bryce: y/n how was the flight?
He said as he gave you a side hug and shook duke and brenas hand
You: it was fine
Bryce: come in
Josh was sitting in the living room
You: is Josh here?
Bryce: yea he's in the living room
You went to the living room and scared Josh
Josh: oh shit
You: I got you this time
Josh: no you didn't I faked it
You: mhm sure oh and here is brena
Josh: oh hey
Brena: hi I'm a big fan can I get a picture?
Josh: yea sure
Duke takes a picture and sends it to brena
Brena: omg thanks
Josh: no problem
You all talk for a little until it starts to get dark
You: we should go it's getting dark
Josh: okay see you later bye
You all leave and get to your apartment
Today was a long day yea we should eat and go to bed did you see them? Yes we did are you guys hungry? No no great then I'm going to bed because I am tired (btw brena is staying in the guest bed room) you all go to bed but you wake up to a loud sound in the kitchen, duke wakes up so you sneak in and see someone in the kitchen hey why are you here? Y/n no shhh stay here and go to brena and don't go out you go to the kitchen when he runs and try's to chase you but ends up in the other side of the table and pulls out a knife oh you have a knife? That's cute I have a whole kitchen with knives. You get a much bigger knife and a gun from a secret drawer shop go out go somewhere where it isn't my apartment he leave quickly and you shut the door why do you have a gun I just knew someone was gonna break in one day ok but she sounded like a bad bitch when she said about the kitchen part BRENA she did !! I mean you can't say it wasn't funny when someone breaks in but can't take shit you could've died he had a little knife and who would even care or notice if I died oh wait you have 59 million followers make that 60 because you just hit 60 mill today those 60 million people would notice and me I- but how about we go to bed I don't wanna sleep alone can I sleep with you duke? I actually sleep with y/n ooo okay couple goals no we just share a bed because why not I mean she can sleep in our bed if your okay with it I don't really care fine brena took a small spot and you and duke took a small spot since you were cuddling. In the morning you woke up and didn't really do anything you just messed with dukes hair and made his a little pony tail with a hair band (idk wtf those are called) what are you doing to me look you show him a picture and he stays there with his mouth open surprised good morning imma go back bye Oop ok finally she's gone we can cuddle more you both cuddle and falls asleep again (I am too lazy to say the WHOLE week so imma just make it short okay?) the whole week you just took brena to meet her fav TikTokers and take pictures with them, you went to boa and Friday came and she left to Utah leaving you and duke alone I'm bored- you got interrupted by your was Bryce hey hi so we are having a Christmas party at the sway house and you are invited and so is your boy friend, make sure not to post anything to prevent problems because a lot of people are coming yea yea I know and I'm single my gosh he's just a friend okay whatever see you the 24th bye you hang up and turn around to duke who was it? Bryce and we are invited to a Christmas party also make sure not to post anything to prevent problems why? I don't think you wanna end up on TikTok room and canceled oh okay yea tiktokroom loves getting me canceled wow it's dark already maybe I should go live wanna come? Sure yea you go live on dukes acc (duke moose) and answer questions why haven't I posted a thirst trap? I haven't been in the mood I have to be like super happy you laugh at what he just said what's so funny? You need to be in a happy mood? No. When ever you post a thirst trap you're horny I- he sits there shook since you just exposed him what? You feel exposed I think that's it for the live bye guys he says laughing I feel exposed there is just no way you have to be happy like NO you're horny when you post a thirst trap. We should go to bed now wow you've really fixed my sleep schedule as I should I'm actually sleepy wow yes now let's go to bed he takes off his shirt and jeans and cuddles with you, the next morning is just one day before the party so you and duke go shopping he buys dressing pants and the rest while you buy a dress (it's a fancy party) you get home tired and head straight to bed . It was the day of the Christmas party so you and duke got ready ate and left, the party was great lots of people were there and lots of alcohol, you went to the second floor and just stood there when you saw duke come in oh hey hi so I wanted to ask you something yes? Since it's Christmas would you like to be my girlfriend? You stood there shocked but came to reality and said yes yes ofc you both leave the party at around midnight and get home and go to bed

That's all

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