Part 16

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Alright in a little part she mentions suicide so yea idk if I should warn people or not so I am

Can you stay on me? Like sit on you like stay in the position I am? Yes I- ok I guess you go on your phone for a while until you feel him rock hard under you. Then it hit you he wanted you to stay on him so he can hide it, he was sweating, he wasn't breathing right, and was looking at you in such a horny way you know you can't hide your problem forever what do you mean 😅 I can feel you rock hard under me fine you win you caught me you get off him and sit next to him playing with his hair soon it started leaking pre-cum meaning he just had to fix it you have to fix it you can't walk it off or anything I know I'm too lazy too and it's bugging me I'll help you one last time you out it in your mouth and suck for about 2 minutes until he cums and sighs in pleasure. He lays his head on your lap and falls asleep, in the morning everyone is packing up
Tati: what did you two do that made you so sleepy
You: n-nothing
Tati: mhm
Duke: she was helping me with my problem
You: you had two problems and I solved them both
Tati: I think I know what the second one was😏

    You all arrive at LA because I'm too lazy to explain what happened

You arrive home and check your dms, the company Netflix had dmed you because they wanted to have you be the main female character in a Netflix original series, you accept and meet up on Netflix HQ to see who can fit (yes I'm making you an actress you'll see why in future chapters) there were only 4 other people making your chances higher, you were picked to be the main female character in the series it was a love story. You got home and called duke hey y/n hi I wanted to tell you good news really? Yes what is it? Netflix dmed me a few nights ago wondering if maybe I could be the main female character in a love story did you get the role ? Yes I did congrats after a month of filming the film came out and you decided to tell duke. You called him and soon he picked up I heard the film came out wanna come to my place I have company but still come ok sure you got there and only Tyler and Cassidy were there. You just talked about the film and when we should go see it "alright I gotta go" said Tyler you all said goodbye and now it was only you tree I'll be back imma use the bathroom you went and just used your phone and max Rut seem like you used the bathroom. When you came out duke was Cassidy were making out, she was only lap and his hands were on her waist. They both pulled away and you headed for the door when he stopped you can you stay longer can we talk um no I'm fine you said with tears in your eyes, you got in your car and left to a little spot near the Hollywood sign (it's actually a really calm place there is just paranormal activity sometimes👀) a car was following you but you didn't think anything of it you got out the car and the same car that was following you stopped a little bit behind you. You sat in a concrete bench looking at the city while tears ran down your eyes y/n wait come back he came and sat next to you what do you need? You said with a straight face hold back tears I need you I think that maybe our friendship in general should just end what no please cmon we can't be the next braddison breaking up and getting together all the time can I just explain how everything happened go ahead I have nothing to do anyways she got on me and I couldn't stop her and she made me feel a little like you make me feel then keep her and let me suffer but your different you're special once you do it once you do it again your not going to change with me we already have enough drama online we don't need anymore in person everyone knows about us now ok well come with me I need to hold you like before when we would cuddle, kiss, make out. You have teala and Cassidy two are more than one but they can't make me feel like you I think that that's enough for today you said getting up to leave wait please stay with me he says pulling you back look today is one of those days where I have to let it all out I've been holding it back for around 3 years (true I've my metal health has been messed up since I was 12) I need to just let it all out you can trust me how if you said ily one day and three days later you go to someone else just cry on me let it all out I can't you say as your voice cracks and you get inside your car and cry silently on the wheel. Duke opens the door of the passenger seat and hugs you maybe I should just die and all my problems would go away no don't say that he says as he wipes your tears it's true tho no imagine what the world would be with out you it would be much better I'll do anything for you to be happy money can't buy happiness (true life has proven to me it can't) well stay with me one night and I'll make up for it just one night and I'm driving you have had some thoughts that it just wouldn't be safe if you drove he drove home and you both went into his apartment

That's all
Sorry for updating at 5 am I pulled an all nighter again also thanks for the person who said they love this story, I'm currently making another two and I will post all of chapters together so you won't wait for a next chapter and you can read the story from the start to the end at the same time (her user is girlummmidk I think)

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